
  • zmh4 replied to the topic Forming a Project Team in the forum Organizational Development in Device Companies 7 years, 7 months ago

    In my opinion, it is always best to work with someone who is most knowledgeable about the task they will work on. While maintaining good relations with people in the workplace, you do not always need to “like” someone necessarily to be able to do your job. From my experience, work and friendships do not go hand in hand. That does not mean however, that you should not maintain a professional demeanor while interacting with everyone in your workplace, regardless of your personal views. With that said, choosing someone (if you have the option to) with the best knowledge and talents about the subject will yield the best results. This is with the assumption that everyone is responsible for finishing their work on time and does their job adequately.

    In addition, working with people you do not know helps you grow professionally and socially as well. Not only does it help you network, but it helps you learn what it is like working with different people and how to adapt to different personalities. This is especially important for positions that involves group and teamwork. Learning this skill helps you manage a team more effectively and results in helping achieve your goals as a company overall.