
  • zmh4 replied to the topic Restrictions for physician's gifts in the forum Consultants and Legal Basics 7 years, 6 months ago

    Hey Roberto,

    Good question. I think although it is too restricted, it is necessary. In my opinion, if two people are out to discuss business, then only the individuals involved should be there. There is no reason to invite a spouse or family member in such meetings, as they are work related and not social events. I think the point of these restrictions and rules is to prevent unnecessary spending and greed (as Dr. Simon mentioned) of certain individuals. Doctors should have no business using money to go vacation or take gifts from corporations. At the end of the day, this is the same as bribing someone, which may hinder the patient’s health in the long run. This is especially true if the product is not as good as better products out there and the doctor is promoting it because he got to vacation at a nice resort or attended a fancy dinner. These regulations are there for the protection of patients, while still allowing business transactions to be done between the physician and corporation.