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Simulation Experience

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As we are on our last simulation of the semester. I wanted to know what everyone learned from these simulations. Do you think solving these simulations gave you a better idea of how industry jobs work? And what were the pros and cons of working with a team and how you would implement what you learned in your real industry jobs?

My personal experience, I actually learned a lot from these simulations because all of the lecture slides made more sense to me and it was almost more hands on than just going through a power point lecture.

Share your thoughts.

Posted : 26/04/2017 6:47 am
Posts: 54
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These simulations definitely helped understand the topics we learned during class. I believe the last simulation we are currently working on is the most realistic where it can apply to a real life experience. While working in the industry, something similar has actually occurred where documentation had to be corrected. However the product was past the transfer phase, so a different procedure had to be followed but these issues that are observed during these simulations may occur in the industry. It is important to note how to follow SOPs or procedures to remediate any issues.

Posted : 28/04/2017 4:46 am
Posts: 51
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Very good question, this simulation have help me understand how actually, some of the stuff I would be dealing in the industry and how I have be knowledge about many factors. All the simulation were very interesting, each dealing differently which help us understand different aspects. I haven’t been in the industry but with this simulation now I have a way of how to deal with different situation. Again this class have taught us many skills specially how we work with different people for each different simulation which is a great skill to have since in the industry you have to deal with different type of people.

Posted : 28/04/2017 7:08 pm
Posts: 49
Eminent Member

I agree with the comments above. These simulations helped me understand how engineers have to solve issues on a daily basis. From simulation 1 to simulation 3, I had the opportunity of putting in practice every lecture learned throughout the semester and work with different classmates whose different skills made me realize that working in teams is great since everyone has different way of thinking and this helped us solve the simulation faster and efficiently.

Posted : 29/04/2017 1:36 pm
Posts: 92
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As someone who has worked within the medical device industry and consumer, these simulation have reminded me of the type of typical day to day problems/issues that could potentially occur. Their could be multiple approaches to solve these simulations, which happens in real life as well, some solutions may be better than others. Overall, this classed proved to be very beneficial for a real world type of scenarios one my face within industry.


Posted : 29/04/2017 5:17 pm
Posts: 51
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As everyone have mentioned, These simulations are a very useful tool to mimic what usually occurs in the industry. Although I sometimes think that they only scratch the surface of what actually occurs and the proposed solutions are not always the right way to solve some of these issues, I still believe that they are very helpful tools to reflect what actually occurs.


Posted : 30/04/2017 12:02 pm
Posts: 53
Trusted Member

Hi All,

The thoughts above were great, and I would have to agree that I have learned much from the simulations. One of the main things was simply how to better work with a team in solving problems. While I experience this much at my current position, practicing with different people was a great benefit to myself. I also believe that thinking through practical problems is a great benefit as well.

-Andrew Nashed

Posted : 30/04/2017 1:07 pm
Posts: 117
Estimable Member

Comparing the simulations with my experience in industry, I can say that they are very representative of what happens in industry. Often after submitting a proposed solution Dr. Simon would come back with something that we hadn't thought about, and the entire team would be stumped for a bit, and this is exactly what happens in real life. Problem solving is the name of the game!

Posted : 16/04/2018 5:24 pm
Posts: 85
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Completing the simulations throughout the semester helped me learn a lot about working in the industry. Having to go through different rounds to determine the causing factor for an error or to update documents, gave a look into what happens in real life. In addition, it helped to apply what was reviewed in the PowerPoints into possible situations that may occur. Working with a team helped understand difference in views and how to work with everyone to solve the situation. The importance of taking in to consideration everyone’s ideas gave possible solutions and how to move forward. Also, with the strict timeline of a week, the simulations taught the importance of deadlines and the value of using time wisely to determine how to solve the problem.

Posted : 28/04/2018 2:06 pm
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

The simulations were very helpful because it teaches you different ways to think outside the box in terms of resolving different issues from a very basic and high level approach. The simulations were very practical and are very real situations that happen across all medical device companies. Therefore, the simulation did its job in teaching these two different things.

What I found the simulations can't teach, however, and this just comes with experience working, is that you can't always follow the same basic approach to resolve the same issue/situation. As simple as it is to just doing the same thing that resolved one thing - most real problems in industry are never the same and if they are it usually has the slightest difference that changes everything. As useful as the simulations are, running into these same situations in industry that the simulation presented, most likely will require a tweak or different approach then what was done here.

Posted : 29/04/2018 8:14 am
Posts: 68
Trusted Member

I appreciated going through the simulations each week. It was a more hands-on experience of everything that the course has been teaching through lectures. Using my current industry experience, I have been able to suggest logical solutions. In the opposite manner, these simulations have also been helpful in gaining a better understanding of terms and the inner mechanisms of industry.

Posted : 29/04/2018 3:08 pm
Posts: 149
Estimable Member

I agree these simulations really allowed for us to think creatively on how to solve problems using methods we learned in lecture. I really enjoyed learning about planning and how important it is that all of the details are addressed upfront because changing them once they have been transferred to manufacturing can be very costly and time-consuming. For example just all of the document change requests and in this week's simulation all the regulatory and compliance implications.

I think that from all the simulations we came away with a lot of lessons learned, that although it was just in a simulation setting, we can use to start when we are a planning a project in real-life.

Posted : 29/04/2018 3:53 pm
Posts: 113
Estimable Member

The simulations are a great way to engage students into a work environment within the medical device industry. It allows students to apply the knowledge they gained within the lectures to real life scenarios that are common in the world. The setup of teams and no strict outline of how to approach a problem is identical to the work environment. You as a student are placed in situations where you are held responsible for solving a problem within a certain period of time regardless if your team members choose to help you or not. The simulations not only test you on the material taught in the course but also test you on your skills with working and communicating with others.

Posted : 29/04/2018 4:20 pm