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Discussion Topic: Course conclusion and impressions

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I think this gave a solid overview of what to expect from multiple different areas of the biomedical world. As students at NJIT, we are told to choose a direct track (Mechanics, Materials, Instrumentation, Pre-Health) where our focus is very specific to that area of the field. It also doesn't help that the electives for these courses conflict (very often) with other required courses for our respective tracks, meaning it is very difficult to expand our horizons within different areas. Having the opportunity to take an online class that offers so much information about all of the different aspects of medical devices and their backgrounds is fantastic! The only thing I'd ask is that the weight of the final project be re-adjusted a bit. As a student with many other exams that all align towards the end of the semester, knowing that something has a 60–80% weight on my overall grade is very stressful. Although we have a team that is responsible for all of their respective parts (and I trust that our team will do fine), it is still very scary to see that this one assignment essentially dictates our final grade. I appreciate that a lot of time was given (no assignments) from this week to the due date for us to complete it; I just wish it wasn't weighted so heavily.

Posted : 02/12/2023 6:25 pm
Posts: 73
Trusted Member

I thought the course was really cool and taught you the stuff you need to know. As for improvement, not sure, I think the course was developed in a really good way. Maybe, we can have more groups to post into every week. Or maybe you can have it so you need to post one discussion and reply to two others. That way, we get a more variety of posts and conversations. 

Posted : 03/12/2023 10:01 pm
Posts: 70
Trusted Member

When I first started this class I thought it would be more of a medical device prescription class. However, I was surprised and at the same time happy to learn about the different jobs Biomedical Engineers can do and the skills needed to do these jobs. This is one of the only classes I've taken at NJIT where I've learned an incredible amount of real-world information about biomedical engineering that I can apply to my career as an engineer. Furthermore, the project is very useful in teaching us how to complete the various documents required to manufacture a medical device.

Posted : 03/12/2023 10:20 pm
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