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Dividing the Workload

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Group projects usually have many parts to them, ultimately coming together to be presented in one final piece. When dividing work, how should work be divided among members? Should individuals work on separate parts, or should smaller groups work on each piece together?

Ex: 6 parts of a project, 6 people separated into 2 groups, each group does 2 parts


Ex: 6 parts of a project, 6 people, each person does 1 part

I would lean to the first example (groups) because maybe the entirety of the report would come out more coherent, and ideas would maybe flow better if more heads were thinking about the same topic. 

Posted : 12/02/2022 6:52 pm
Posts: 78
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I believe the most common approach is to divide the project into equal parts for everyone. The discussion would begin with a team meeting where a plan can be made that would detail the direction of the project. This ensures that everyone is on the same page when they complete their part while also maximizing the time of everyone. Once the project is completed the group can reconvene again to ensure each part works with one another. This ensures that everyone is contributing to the project while also not creating waste by having "too many hands in the kitchen".

Posted : 12/02/2022 9:20 pm
Posts: 81
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I believe individuals should work on separate parts and that smaller groups should gradually form within the team before the product is finalized as an entire team. I agree with @anthonynjit in that every successful group understands the importance of dividing work equally, however, when dividing work it is very important to play to people's expertise and experiences. On every project I have ever worked on that has involved a team, we all took up certain aspects of the project as individuals but also understood that for a project to be cohesive/whole there will always be overlapping parts. Much like in industry, as individuals we are responsible for certain aspects of a project which in a team will require building on each others work much like how eventually cross-functional teams must work together to make a product whole and to bring the product to market. This approach I believe maximizes productivity with respect to time and eliminates the concern that too many peoples' input stifles progress.

Posted : 12/02/2022 10:13 pm
Posts: 78
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Most commonly, working in a group consists of individuals or smaller teams splitting up the work evenly and bringing the pieces together for a final product. While I do agree with the other responses, I think the division of work depends heavily on the dynamic of the team and the project at hand. Teams typically consist of individuals from different backgrounds and experiences. When a project is presented to a team, a team with highly experienced individuals may be capable of splitting the work per individual. On the other hand, if the team consists of mostly novice individuals, forming small teams may be more beneficial to encourage better productivity. Lastly, before submission of the final product, a final meeting is vital to ensure coherence. I believe this approach efficiently distributes the work required by the team while maximizing productivity.

Posted : 13/02/2022 10:11 am
Posts: 81
Estimable Member

The best way to split up projects is to work in groups since not only will ideas flow better as mentioned above, but it will allow each member to get a better understanding of not only one topic but two with the help of a friend to guide each other through the process. Teamwork is always better, in my opinion, since it allows you to help others and help yourself. With all that being said, when splitting up the work and doing each part individually, the whole team still must look over each of the sections before submitting so that the amount of error can be diminished. Overall, even if each person decides to do it individually, they still have the responsibility to look over everyone's work in the group since it is a team project. 

Posted : 13/02/2022 2:41 pm
Posts: 55
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I agree with many of the above posts. When dividing work up the best system is to divide into smaller groups and have those groups give sub tasks to each of the members. This ensures that the smaller groups can check their other members work more efficiently than lets say 20 individuals all checking each others work ensuring that more care is taken in the process. The reason to split up the groups further and give each individual their own piece to work on alone is to avoid the "too many cooks" dilemma of having too many people working on the same thing making it less efficient. It also ensures that the team members all have a sense of ownership to one small part of the project that they otherwise might not have had had they been 1 of 4 working on the same thing and just supplementing others. This gives more motivation to do their part instead of them relying too heavily on others.

Posted : 13/02/2022 5:00 pm
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

I agree with many of the above posts. When dividing work up the best system is to divide into smaller groups and have those groups give sub tasks to each of the members. This ensures that the smaller groups can check their other members work more efficiently than lets say 20 individuals all checking each others work ensuring that more care is taken in the process. The reason to split up the groups further and give each individual their own piece to work on alone is to avoid the "too many cooks" dilemma of having too many people working on the same thing making it less efficient. It also ensures that the team members all have a sense of ownership to one small part of the project that they otherwise might not have had had they been 1 of 4 working on the same thing and just supplementing others. This gives more motivation to do their part instead of them relying too heavily on others.

Posted : 13/02/2022 5:01 pm
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

I agree that working in teams is more beneficial since more ideas are exchanged and difficulties will be met with greater efficiency. The challenge however that arises is that when a team is harder to be coordinated than a single individual. Also, a team is more vulnerable to hard people, meaning people who are difficult to cooperate with. Therefore, to truly have the best version of a team, team players must be carefully chosen and coordination should be of paramount importance. 

Posted : 13/02/2022 6:18 pm
Posts: 76
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I feel like a question like this depends on the project itself, it's scope, and how interconnected each part is. For example, if it is a smaller project where the parts have little to no connection with each other, than each group member can work on their own individual component and meet with anyone they need to if their parts have some relation and with the project manager on their own. On the other hand, if it is a bigger project where multiple parts are interconnected, separating the team into smaller groups that meet with each other regularly to make sure their parts cohere well with each other would be the optimal option so that no one member gets overwhelmed. A good project manager should hold a meeting with their team, get their input, and compare that with the scope of the project and make an informed decision.

Posted : 13/02/2022 6:36 pm
Posts: 65
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The best way to go about this is give each individual a separate role, and then also try to have each person work in a small group that has a similar or relating role. This can help Make sure an individual role is completed but also that any intertwining roles can be worked in together and also that everyone is on the same page. I think this is the best approach because the individual role is being done, but also as its done, then other feedback can be given in a smaller group or ideas can be pieced together that were missing in the individuals roles. It helps to have a solid portion completed by one, and then after they’re all done overlooked by the small groups to make sure no details were left out, or if more are needed in the end. Its also like a way to check over ones completed work to make sure all the criteria was met or how it can be changed to be met, but also that they group isn’t being held behind because one didn’t finish their individual portions. 

Posted : 14/02/2022 12:10 am
Posts: 79
Trusted Member

I agree that the best way to divide the workload is to create separate groups to work on an individual portion of the project. This allows for the sharing of ideas and can aid the members come up with creative solutions. While, I agree that it is important to have different viewpoints and backgrounds in the group, I also believe that each member should be experienced in the field of their portion of the project so they can all contribute equally. If only one member of the group is familiar with the topic, then they will most likely end up leading the entire group and coming up with the most ideas. Thus, while having diversity in each group is important, each member should have some prior knowledge on the topic. 

Posted : 14/02/2022 9:53 am
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

I think developing a method for dividing up the workload for the project would depend on the scope of the project and the capacity of the team.

I also believe that the project leader should have a grasp of the project and hopefully the team and be able to anticipate who might be best suited for handling the various aspects of the project. In that vein, during the initial project team meeting and brainstorming of the "big idea" the project manager can facilitate and guide members of the team to fit their individual strengths. 

Posted : 28/02/2022 10:31 am
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

One old proverb proposes that many hands make light work.  In other words, tasks are easier to accomplish when one includes or relies on others.

Some basic tenants of dividing the workload are to develop a plan, clarify roles, set expectations, establish open communication, and encourage flexibility (Knight, 2016).

Another crucial principle would be to actively work to discover the capabilities of your team members.  In some instances, team leaders or supervisors may tend to pigeonhole co-workers based on a job title or a perceived skillset.  This can be a missed opportunity as many employees have talents and skills that are not always readily apparent.  Once the scope of a project has been determined, reach out to the team members, and elicit feedback on the tasks that need to be accomplished.  Attempt to uncover who may have done something similar in the past or a task for which a person feels they have a natural aptitude.  This is one method of helping to determine the most appropriate person for a task while also motivating your team members.  People are usually more dedicated and enthusiastic about a project when their skills are being recognized and incorporated.



Knight, R. (2016, November 14). Make sure your team's workload is divided fairly. Harvard Business Review.

Posted : 01/03/2022 10:11 pm
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Traditionally the first thought is to divide the work and then assign to individuals to complete tasks. Recently I have found true team work to be the best solution to dividing work. While I agree the work can still be divided and assigned to an individual I have learned that the team can still work together to complete each task. The division of the work really consists of the person assigned to the task to run point on the task. This means the person assigned takes responsibility for making sure it is presented to the team and makes sure the team can work on a solution and process together. The assigned individual then makes sure the teams ideas and work are put together in the best way that makes the most sense for the outcome of the task.

Posted : 02/03/2022 10:45 pm
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Dividing responsibilities or tasks when you have a large group is key. There are times when group members will need to work independently this can be due to scheduling conflicts or the size of the project. One way to structure the group for maximum functionality is to acknowledge strengths within the group and assign roles to each member of the group. I do strongly recommend having checkpoints whether the group agrees to individual work, subgroups, or even stay as one large group to ensure everyone is on the same page with the project.

Posted : 05/03/2022 9:07 pm
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