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Power and Regulation

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As Professor Simon lectured, the FDA has a lot of power within our country and is one of the leading administrations regarding reputable information on food and drugs. At what point is the power of the FDA too much? As we see today, the COVID-19 vaccine has been FDA approved is becoming mandatory for many people to take in order keep their jobs. Does the government have a right to do impose these mandates? Or do you think the facts should be presented, and Americans can make their own decisions being informed? Take, for example, the fact that heart disease kills 696,962 Americans a year, according to the CDC. Yet, despite these numbers and the (in a majority of the cases) preventable nature of the disease, there are no mandates about the amount of foods / or time spent exercising to help people make decisions to lead to a healthier life. Do you think that the FDA should make mandates to protect people from all harmful diseases like they are doing for COVID, or should they simply present facts and allow Americans to make their own choices, as they do for Heart Disease? 

Posted : 28/01/2022 3:52 pm
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

I think this is a great point. The FDA presents a mission statement that backs the responsibility of protecting public health by ensuring safety, which I assume the vaccine mandate is an example of. As you mentioned, the FDA presents information about heart disease to the public and allow Americans to make their own decisions. Likewise, there are many other things that present danger to the public that have not become a mandate such as cigarettes and “insignificant” amounts of antifreeze in food products. Before COVID came about, the flu has killed millions of Americans but the flu vaccine was never mandated. Cigarettes have caused lung cancer which is a leading cause of death in America alongside heart disease but cigarettes aren’t banned.
Personally, I think the COVID vaccine mandate is an overkill of power. There’s been years of keeping the public informed and allowing Americans to make their own choices but now the public isn’t given an option. The FDA approved the use of a vaccine that there was very little information on regarding short term and long term effects but have an abundance of information about the harmful products that Americans ingest regularly. 

Posted : 30/01/2022 1:18 pm
Posts: 78
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I believe the FDA should not have the power to create mandates. The FDA's role is to identify hazards whether in medical devices, medicine or food, not to write laws. Similar to the EPA, they are tasked with ensuring our environment is safe but are unable to act on their own suggestions. Suggestions on regulation and future guidance should be given to Congress to decide on, just as Congress should not be the principle investigators into national health. This issues touches on a few principles such as checks and balances as well as the fact that members of the FDA (and EPA) are not directly voted into their positions by the American people. 

Posted : 30/01/2022 2:31 pm
Posts: 76
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While I agree with the others that the FDA should not necessarily be given the authority to impose mandates, I do not believe that leaving that decision to just government bodies is the best solution either. Using today's situation as an example, COVID-19 has become as much of a political issue in regards to masks and vaccines as it has a medical issue that has divided people all across the globe rather than everyone coming together to beat a disease that was affecting the global population. Rather, I feel like the FDA should have to submit all their findings and research on the issue at hand to a panel of the most qualified medical experts from throughout the country, which must then submit a general consensus to the government to use as an expert opinion that must be referenced when the government makes the final decision. If the government is unable to reach a decision, it can then come to a vote made by the citizens of the country, but all findings must be made available for everyone to access so that everyone can make their own informed decision. 

While I believe in the FDA's mission statement to protect public health by ensuring safety, no organization should be given authority to make a decision that belongs to one of the current three branches that we currently have otherwise the lines can get blurred and the FDA could have even more control over our lives in the future.

Posted : 30/01/2022 4:18 pm
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

While the FDA does generally have the public's best interest in mind, they should not be allowed to create mandates regarding diets and exercises. They should instead just give recommendations. 

However, when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines, I think such a mandate is appropriate considering we have been in a pandemic for close to two years and long term effects of COVID are still unknown. However, the reality is that everyone has the choice of whether or whether to not they decide to get the vaccine. With that being said, they should accept the consequences that come with refusing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in which they will most likely be denied entry to some places and possibly their place of work.  

I feel somewhat similarly about heart disease. While there are precautions and recommendations on how to avoid heart disease, people should accept that if they decide to indulge in unhealthy lifestyle habits and make poor food choices, they should accept the reality that they may someday down the line develop heart disease. 

When it comes to vaccines, I feel that the government should have the right to implement mandates especially at a time like now when this pandemic has been going on for far too long. 

Posted : 30/01/2022 4:26 pm
Posts: 75
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The FDA in-itself has the ability to keep check and tabs for quality of a product that is going into market that is consumed by people. With that being said, the FDA making mandates on individual diet and consumptions of products that only affect the person should not be allowed as that infringes on each persons choices. I believe that the FDA issuing appropriate findings and recommendations should be allowed just not mandating anything. However when it comes to public safety and when it comes to certain vaccines that allow for the overall well being of the country especially during a 2+ year pandemic, such an mandate should be allowed or at least be allowed to have a higher power to look after the public safety. While personal choice I believe is integral for every single person. When a certain choice also affects other individuals, such choices can have consequences that may be life threatening to those making the choices and those around them.

Posted : 30/01/2022 5:10 pm
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

I feel like you bring up good points... it is absolutely necessary to allow the governing body to decide for the mandate of different vaccines, protocols, etc. One thing I want to the mentioned idea of FDA workers not being voted in is their background. Many people in the workforce are placed in to have jobs and make a living. Do they consider the livelihoods of others, or rather do they simply follow the rules established already? They are there to implement what they think is right, and (in today's case) rush to decisions and mandates. I feel like the understanding of different scenarios lacks in the FDA, which affects the lives of all. Maybe the FDA could increase workforce to work with the governing bodies to see how the people feel about certain restrictions being placed?

Posted : 30/01/2022 5:47 pm
Posts: 78
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The FDA’s role is to make sure that the product is proven to be efficient and safe. I agree with most of you that the population should be presented with the facts, and each person should make his/her decision on whether to take the vaccine or not. However, the COVID-19 virus is not a regular virus like others. It is classified as a pandemic that should be controlled somehow or else mass deaths could occur. It is vital to mandate the vaccine in order to make sure that the virus doesn’t go out of hand. The virus would’ve most probably had an even worse impact on the world if the FDA didn’t mandate the vaccine. I believe that it depends on the case we are looking at. Everyone should be able to make their own decisions regarding their health, but in special cases like emergency outbreaks or pandemics I think some things should be mandated to ensure the safety of the population.

Posted : 30/01/2022 11:28 pm
Posts: 59
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As many of my peers have mentioned the FDA's role is to put things in check by ensuring safety. You should definitely have the choice to make a decision when it's regarding your own life however when others' safety is in danger as well I see why a mandate is necessary. Pandemics don't happen every day which is why it made sense that the vaccine was made mandatory to control the situation until more questions were answered. However, at this point in time, I don't think it's right to require the booster in the way that it's being forced to keep jobs or stay in school especially since there are certain knowns that should allow us to now have the choice since we already have the first two dosages. The uncertainty in statements being made along with the strict requirements with consequences has started to feel like a form of careless assertiveness. 

Posted : 13/02/2022 6:06 pm
Posts: 58
Trusted Member

Whether Americans should be presented with facts to make their own informed decisions is an important aspect of the discussion. Considering the current state of information availability and the diverse perspectives on health and wellness, it will be worthwhile for the FDA to continue emphasizing providing facts and information. This approach allows individuals to make informed decisions about their health, taking into account personal choices, risk tolerance, and beliefs. However, when faced with a public health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for swift and decisive action becomes apparent. The debate then becomes a delicate balance between individual freedoms and collective well-being. Striking the right balance involves transparent communication, continuous education, and respecting individuals' rights to make decisions while considering the broader impact on public health. It would be interesting to explore alternative models that encourage personal responsibility for health without imposing mandates. Perhaps incentivizing healthy choices through education, accessible healthcare, and community programs could be a more holistic approach.

Posted : 04/02/2024 9:12 pm