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Project management team

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I feel for a project to be completed successfully and on time, the project management team should have proper communication and understanding among each other. It is always a case that one part of the project is dependant on the other and each chunk together makes a project complete, so every part is crucial for the success of the project. The team should be selected based on the various aspects of the project and which employee is best at what. The project manager role is most important as he needs to know his team members really well and should also show proper direction for his team to follow. Many projects fail as there is no clear direction as to how to go about with the project, even if you have the best team and a bad project manager the project would be out of funding and will eventually fail.

Posted : 27/01/2019 6:31 pm
Posts: 78
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Picking a good project management team is a crucial decision for a lot of reasons. The main is having the project completed on time successfully, having different ideas and working on them together with a clear goal. A team having a good amount of understanding about each others ideas is what is needed. Having a team leader and coming to conclusions with a clear mindset of all the team members is important.

Posted : 27/01/2019 7:01 pm
Posts: 75
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I believe that it's extremely important for an employee to be able to pick a good group of people for a project team because doing a project is a team effort. Not only does it matter that each individual member is qualified or able to do his/her own part in the project but they must be able to work effectively and smoothly. This is what makes picking members for a project team particularly difficult because all of the potential candidates may be extremely good at what they do and competent but those qualities do not make them good candidates for a team project. There must be synchrony between members and they must be willing to do communicate with each other effectively to create synergy. One person who fails to live up to standards will drag down the entire team and the entire project will be affected. It's important for an employee to be extremely informed on the potential team members, particularly their strengths, weaknesses, an personality traits. If one person is super smart but cannot work with a group or is too shy to be a team member, he/she should not be on the team. This may seem obvious but it's still extremely important for any team leader to keep in mind. All members on the team should have competency in communication and have good interpersonal skills because without these qualities, a team cannot work efficiently.

Posted : 29/01/2019 8:13 am
Posts: 109
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The efficiency and outcomes of a project directly depends on the team who work on the project. However assembling right people for team is a critical task. For a successful project, the requirement of a project should be deeply understand so that people whose skills can fulfill those requirement can be selected as team members. The employee should be rated according skills like communication and cooperative,leadership skills so right team member can be picked easily . An ideal project team should be a combination of two type of right people one with great ideas and other who know how to implement those great ideas . Personal attribute of the employee should be considered before assembling team otherwise energy and time will be wasted to solve needless conflict.

Posted : 30/01/2019 6:31 am
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

I believe that picking the project team is a crucial step towards the success of a project. As people have stated above, there has to be cohesiveness from a technical and interpersonal standpoint in order for the project team to truly be able to work well together. If a technical aspect lacks then the project team might be having a great time, but might not be achieving any work. If the interpersonal aspect lacks then the project team might be getting work done, but not putting it together efficiently because of the lack of connection between team members. Additionally, I believe that even thought there might be the right balance between technical and interpersonal skills in a team, there is also the aspect of personal growth. I think that sometimes when teams get together, especially on longer projects with various phases. It is important to reevaluate team members, sometimes a new mind with a different perspective and a fresh set of eyes can really help keep the team moving forward.

Posted : 30/01/2019 12:17 pm
Posts: 83
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I think selecting a proper project team is very important because it affects the performance and the outcome of the whole project. The members should have skills that are needed for the project for its successful completion. There is necessity of having a friendly environment in the team since that can build the team or it make break it. The team members should be proactive to run the project in faster and smoother way. There should be a good coordination between the team members and project manager for the successful completion of the project. The members should be self-motivated and well organized. They should be the best fit for the role and the team since experience, skills correspond to requirement that the job role presumes. Having team members who do not fit the job role it would eventually waste the time money and energy.

Posted : 31/01/2019 2:09 pm
Posts: 77
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Building a proper team is crucial since projects require the cooperation of each member in order to facilitate and expediate completion. If one member refuses to communicate any obstacles, or open up to different solutions offered by the group, there will be a lot of time wasted on disputes that yield no results. The group should comprise of people who respect others' opinions that may differ from their own, without letting other members overshadow their individual thoughts and ideas. This should minimize or eliminate any tension that may hinder the objective.

Posted : 01/02/2019 4:15 pm
Posts: 82
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Picking the proper project team is an essential component of a project. Each project will have multiple moving parts and having a diverse project team will be beneficial. It is important to have a well-rounded team where everyone's weaknesses and combated by someone else's strength. For example, it will not be beneficial in having a team of 5 people who all are strong at math but weak at drawing when the project needs to result in a well drawn picture.

Posted : 02/02/2019 9:35 am
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

For a project to be successful, team members should be chosen very wisely. While some leaders choose people based on their knowledge or area of prior experience, it is not necessarily the best way to do so. There are some skills leaders should be looking for to make sure which member will be a great asset and who would not add much to the team. Employees with strong skills typically require training, and assuming that people have all the necessary skills or they will catch on when they shadow other employees are the wrong approach. It is better to train them and invest in them so they can give more to the project and add to the value of the team. There are more important skills that a person should have to be considered a great team member. For instance, great communicator, knowledge of project management principles, highly organized, strong ability to read people, and self-assured. When an employer or a manager who is looking for employees to hire, it is better to look for these skills in contrast with the technical skills as well. However, investing in people who have these strong skills will pay off at the end.

Posted : 04/02/2019 2:15 pm
Posts: 78
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Properly selecting the members of a project team are just as important as any other step in the process, if not more important. A great product or device idea with perfect documentation and resources will never make it past production if the team working on the project is not a good fit. Not only does every member from management to employee need to have a full working understanding of the project and goals, but the team should be a cohesive unit. Communication and teamwork are so important and essential in product development, that it must be emphasized when selecting team members. In my opinion, I think a team of people with no prior working knowledge of the device or product being developed would, in the end, outperform a team of knowledgeable employees without the ability to communicate.

Posted : 05/02/2019 2:06 pm
Posts: 72
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Selection of the members of the project team is extremely important in several ways. Obviously you desire the project team to be composed of people a high level technical knowledge/ skills from all functional areas that will support the program (engineering, marketing, etc.), but also it is important and desirable that people are compatible with each other and collaborate and work together in harmony. Creating an environment in which team members respect each other and build upon each other experience is a must for a successful project and the PM is the enabler to make this happen. In a true well-integrated unified team there is no place for behind the scene drama where team members are not performing due to preference or lack of motivation. PM should be skilled in the art of understanding the team’s strengths and weaknesses and its limitations. Selection of the right team members will definitely have an impact on how smooth the project will run and succeed or die.

Posted : 15/02/2019 3:14 pm
Posts: 78
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Selecting a project team can undeniably determine not just the success of a project, but also the potential for new contingent projects that expand on the work that was done. Any online source that regards selecting a project team will state that success is dependent the various functions that the team can carry out with respect to their qualifications. One tactic used to acquire qualified personnel includes integrating a human resources (HR) department into the subject matter of your project in order to convey technical information to them in a way that facilitates the hiring process. This is vital since an HR department usually lacks the background knowledge and expertise for projects that involve revolutionary medical technology, which in turn causes them to simply search for keywords in an applicant's resume rather than being able to ascertain the true value of their skills. The main downside to this hiring-strategy is that an HR department may have little to no interest in learning new scientific concepts and would rather stick to a more convenient approach to avoid strenuous thinking. This outcome may therefore imply that a good HR team must also be properly selected prior to the initiation of a project.

As learned in lecture, success consists of 30% technical skills and 70% interpersonal skills. Do interpersonal skills count or carry as much weight as technical skills when it comes to reviewing one's qualifications? If interpersonal skills are taken into consideration, is a simple 30-minute face-to-face interview sufficient enough for an employer/hiring manager to consider the candidate? What specific questions may a manager ask during an interview to gain a better sense of the candidate's qualifications?

Posted : 15/02/2019 9:30 pm
Posts: 75
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Picking a project team is probably the most crucial task and hardest challenge for a project leader. There is no absolute right/wrong answer when picking a team as individuals have different strengths and weaknesses which can either strengthen or weaken the team, respectively. In other words, there is never a perfect team but the key is to find people who not only have the best skills in the areas that you are focusing on but they must be able to get along and work together with their peers. I know that this may seem obvious but it's still very important because there are people who may be qualified to do the work but they lack experience in working with other members so they cannot synergize effectively with others. Finding people who can work together and know each other well is the ideal solution as people who are familiar with each other can collaborate well. This is the hardest part of picking a project team. Moreover, if you fail to pick a a good or great project team whose members can work well, then the overall project throughout its life cycle will have challenges such as delays, or failing to meet deadlines, and higher costs. A mistake made early in a project can have negative impacts on the project later on, which is why I believe that picking the project team is probably the most difficult task of the project manager/leader.

Posted : 16/02/2019 7:23 am
Posts: 115
Estimable Member

Successful projects are usually the result of careful planning and the talent and collaboration of a project team members, Projects can not move forward without each of its key team members. Project management duties: - Develop a project plan    - Manage deliverables according to the plan   - Lead and manage the project team  - Establish a project schedule and determine each phase  - Assign tasks to project team members. - Working with users to establish and meet business needs  - Communicate the projects goals throughout the organization.

Posted : 18/01/2020 2:43 pm
Posts: 81
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A project management team selected should consists of team members where members should effectively communicate, or else poor communication may cause failure of the project. The team members should have the knowledge about the project work. The project members should be extremely organized about what is going on the project at each level on all times. Getting to know everyone’s strength and weakness is important so that the members work around the limitations of others. So it is important to choose the rightful team member for the team.

Posted : 26/01/2020 12:00 pm
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