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External Environment Factors

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As discussed in this week's lectures, there are external and internal factors involved in marketing. The factors impact the market growth rate of a product or service.

Based on the external factors of weather, politics, and economy, what are some ways that companies avoid being severely impacted?

Posted : 22/03/2022 4:25 pm
Posts: 76
Trusted Member

All companies have contingency plans in place to deal with internal and external factors that affect their marketing. Internally; a company should have checks and balances in place to ensure high standards. Robust quality control/analysis, cheap production overhead, good money spent on high performing employees. Externally; companies can be active and passive in their strategy towards managing risk factors. A company can break into an emerging market and flood it with their product, outperforming potential competitors. Company X can partner with Company Y and create a conglomerate with a stronger holding on the market share. New, groundbreaking products can also ensure a company stays stable during a time of external or internal strife.

Posted : 23/10/2022 11:33 pm
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Q: Based on the external factors of weather, politics, and economy, what are some ways that companies avoid being severely impacted?

A: When it comes to external environment factors in marketing, I believe that most companies can avoid being impacted internally and externally by both projecting the possibilities and allowing for delegation of tasks when it comes to factors that could lead to the downfall of the product. When I  say projection of possibilities, companies are able to make "checks and balance" for the pending possibilities of hardships that may come wit the marketing strategy they develop as well as the product downfalls. This can help with cost spending and allocation of funds that can be pushed toward the management and handling of the external environmental factors. I always thought that once you know that these factors are ultimately inevitable, it is easier to formulate decisions and solutions that can help alleviate the severity of the issue. The delegation of tasks would require the hiring of highly trained professionals and team members who are able to not only assess the factors, but develop a SWOT analysis and can interpret the handling of these issues in a professional and timely manner when/if they arise. 

Posted : 20/03/2023 10:03 am
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Companies have shifted their business practices becoming increasing more transparent over the years to their consumers. As we shift to a more sustainable world, companies are shifting their business models to fall align with what is beneficial to the earth’s environment. Consumers  are thrilled to support a product that poses a benefit to or environment. As the world population continues to increase and natural resources become more scare. Governments around the world are have established policies that provide big businesses benefits for conducting in sustainable practices as well retaining a transparent business practices for the world to view. 

Posted : 24/03/2023 1:59 pm
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

Preplanning is the way to go to avoid being affected by weather, politics and the economy.  As a business you should know that all of these exist and that they can happen at any time. They will happen.  So a company should already have a set of guidelines that can help them implement the quickest solution when it comes time to need them.

Posted : 25/03/2023 1:02 am