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Forming a Project Team

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I strongly believe that project teams must work together to an accomplish a goaland better to work with the people who have more knowledge on their department. Sometimes it is advised not to form a team with friends because you will have arguments on different decisions which might affect your friendship. So project team must be choose wisely not just depend on the friendship. Moreover, Working with someone with different skill set can help you to discover a new source of ideas. The main is working on the same project which has to be successful in the market. Also, try to avoid people who do not know how to communicate well with other because communication is a key for the success of any group project.

Posted : 25/11/2018 2:33 pm
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

Building a strong team is crucial to working better. I believe that a strong team is made of people with a mixture of skills. For example, they must have certain knowledge in their field, must be motivated to be on board and to do the project, work well with others, and most importantly keep in communication! I think being comfortable in approaching the team members, especially the project manager for collaboration, issues, concerns, and discussion of achievements is very important. It allows more transparency in the team indicating need for improvement in certain aspects or to move forward together.

Posted : 25/11/2018 4:07 pm
Posts: 38
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It always works out well when you really get along with the people in your groups. However, there does need to be some ground rules set before you begin working with someone you already know. Part of working in a group means sometimes you might not agree on everything, but keeping things professional and being flexible are a good way to alleviate any tension between group members. It's important to not take things too personally and treat your work with a certain level of professionalism. Ultimately, I would say that it's nice to work with people you get along with, but you also need to make sure that those people are willing to put in the work.

Posted : 25/11/2018 5:36 pm
Posts: 72
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I believe in my opinion, the best way to form a project team would be with people who are more knowledgeable in their department role rather than working with people who you have a better relationship with. The reason being, with people being expertise in a certain field will help you perform a specific task from your group member. This will help you form a project team where each member can contribute something valuable to the project. As long as you are able to manage, along with the team members, the project and not procrastinating then you are on the right path of performing your task. Despite not having a better relationship with your team members you know that everyone has a responsibility and they have to work up to it. Whereas, when you are working with people who you have better relationship with, you are bound to rely upon each other to do the work. Working with different people can also help you learn something new from them. Thus, I believe that working with different minds in their own expertise would be a better option to form a project team.

Posted : 25/11/2018 5:46 pm
Posts: 76
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Choosing the right members to form a project team is very critical in the workflow and project outputs, thus it is essential to carefully choose the team members. For me, I would focus first on the skills and abilities of each depending on my project, so that I can give each member the right task which I see him/her well-qualified for it. I would not really spend any time to find people who have a better relationship with each other or so on. After setting my main goal and aims from the project, it would be stating clear outlines for my goals in which I would like to achieve with all members. Each should be aware of the assigned task and should be excited about accomplishing the task successfully on time. I would not allow deadline missing and would ensure that all members are working as a cooperation, not as a competition in the team. My main goal is the final accomplishment.

Posted : 25/11/2018 6:27 pm
Posts: 69
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The key to a successful project is a successful team. I believe the best working teams succeed when there is no prior relationships between any of the team members. When it comes to choosing people for a specific role, from what I have seen with companies like Stryker, personality traits plays a major role in determining the kind of position one may be successful at. Stryker ensures that the job assigned to you caters well to your personality, making one's job more pleasant and enjoyable. Through various personality tests, they can get a gist of what you are about and assign you to a department. Say for example I am looking for a marketing person. I would seek out someone who likes to talk, is very persuasive, and has an eye for the bigger picture. Meanwhile I would seek out an individual who is detail oriented and does not mind working alone for a position as a clinical researcher. This "match" between one's personality and job can ultimately enable them to get their job done while also enjoying it as well.

Posted : 25/11/2018 6:44 pm
Posts: 75
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For selecting members for my project team, I would look at what individuals are very enthusiastic or very interested to join in on the project. Having people who are curious and committed is crucial because if they lack interest of have a bad attitude, that will be shown in their performance and results. Then, I would look at what the requirements or expertise I would need to invoke at any point. I would select for people who have the best expertise that I can because it's always good to have input and an informed second opinion on how to do certain things. Furthermore, I would select my project team based upon the desired mix that I want overall. I want to make sure that there is enough diversity in expertise so that I can easily deal with any issue and problems that may arise along the way. The hardest part is finding the right mixture of people to deal with the mixture of activities. I wouldn't rely on trust so much because odds are that the people you have available to you are going to be trustworthy if they are still in the company. Trust is still important, but I don't think that it's the most crucial factor or nearly as important as the other factors that I previously mentioned.

Posted : 25/11/2018 6:45 pm
Posts: 77
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The way I would create my project group is picking people who I know that will work with well with a team. If I don't know them, I will look for people that have a high communication skills because communication is important for project and that are interested in the project topic. After choosing I would have group meetings just to interact with each other whether being project work or just friendly outing. I feel when doing project we have to be in the same room because I believe it is better to have in person help than communicating through video chat or text. I would definitely try to void any document delays. Having 1-1.5 hour meeting twice a week will help the group be on top of there assignment, have better communication, and documentations will be reviewed and confirmed with the rest of the group.

Posted : 25/11/2018 8:32 pm
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

If all people were available meaning, that they have the capacity to work on my project, I would prefer to pick people knowledgeable in their department and those that are knowledgeable about the device. I would also prefer to pick people that function well within a group. By functioning well, I mean that work is done in a timely manner and there is good communication among the members. They don't necessarily need to have a good relationship with me or with each other but it would be helpful. With this set up, it is possible to create the best product while also still being functional as a group.

Posted : 28/11/2018 6:33 pm
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

In life there is a want to work with the perfect type of people, those who are not only knowledgeable, but sociable and likeable by the staff. You can get lucky every now and then and get the perfect project member but the reality of it you wont. The best course of action to get desirable results for project are to set strict guidelines and SOP. This ensures that every one is working in one accord regardless of expertise and personality.

Posted : 24/08/2019 5:45 pm
Posts: 19
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Posted by: @fo3

As we know, forming a project team is partly making sure every member is working toward the same goal(s). Each member should be able to contribute something valuable to the project according to their expertise/role.

How would you best form a project team, and what mistakes would you try to avoid? For example, is it better to work with people who you have a better relationship with, or with people who are more knowledgeable in their department role?

When forming a project team I think that it is best to seek people with expertise in the required areas. I have worked with people that I know; people I have been in class with; and strangers. I have found it challenging to work with friends/people I know because I have challenges leading or directing a person that I consider to be a peer or friend. Leading person that I have met as a part of a degree program has been highly successful! From my experience these people typically, have the expertise and passion necessary to fulfill the scope of work required for the project. Working with strangers has yielded positive and negative results. 

As a project manager/leader I have found it necessary to be available, a great communicator and an even better listener, and consistently aware of new resources. These characteristics are critical when forming a new project team and avoiding the pitfalls of working in project teams. 

Posted : 24/08/2019 11:44 pm
Posts: 115
Estimable Member

Forming a project team is very important stage of project team development, Project team members are mainly the people who work on various phases of the project.  Building your project team. Selecting your team. Take care to choose the right people. Set the tone and rules. Their roles can differ according to each project. Helping in defining the project. Ensuring that the project deliverables meet the requirements. Contribute to overall project objectives. Testing solutions to validate objectives. 

Posted : 18/11/2019 12:54 pm
Posts: 82
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Posted by: @fo3

As we know, forming a project team is partly making sure every member is working toward the same goal(s). Each member should be able to contribute something valuable to the project according to their expertise/role.

How would you best form a project team, and what mistakes would you try to avoid? For example, is it better to work with people who you have a better relationship with, or with people who are more knowledgeable in their department role?

Unfortunately, individuals don't always have a choice in who they work with on specific projects - this decision is usually left up to the managers. In a matrix organization, the manager from each group from which support is needed will choose the member from their team based on a few factors. Usually, they will try to pick individuals who have the most background knowledge in the specific area of the project that they will need to support, which helps develop the skills of the individual and also improves the chances of the project running smoothly. However, sometimes workload plays a factor, and their top choice may not be available to work on that specific project, so they will need to pick someone who has some capacity to support another project. In that case, the individual they choose may be great to work with, but may not have as much background knowledge as their team member, so the project may not run as smoothly. Regardless, managers will likely strategically choose members of their team to support projects in order to avoid any slip-ups and make sure their team is well represented and the project succeeds. 

Posted : 19/11/2019 6:31 pm
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

When given a choice to be able to choose a project team, which mostly happens in a matrix organization the project manager would like to choose a subject matter expert from the departments needed for that particular project to form the best of the team which will give a good head start to the project.  The individual should have good communication skills to be able to clearly talk their concerns and suggestions and remain engaged with the other team members  and be committed to the work in order to make a good progress on the project. The individual should have good sense of responsibility and should be able to prioritize the tasks accordingly. It is important to check that the team member being chosen does not have conflicts with any other teams/projects/work that would hinder his/her assigned duties.  It is important that all the team members understand their duties and responsibilities prior to taking up the role.

Posted : 19/11/2019 11:45 pm
Posts: 81
Trusted Member

Choosing a project team is one of the important aspects in setting up the right path towards the goal. The selection of team members is by choosing the right person having the required skills to do the job. The team members in a team should possess better communicaton skills, technical skills and proper team management skills to achieve the objective goal. If there is lack of communication in the team then there would be conflicts and fingerpointing inside the team which would lead in failing the ultimate objective goal.

Posted : 21/11/2019 6:33 pm
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