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Organizational Behavior Management

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As Dr.Simon have stated organizational behavior is very important to improve performance. Recently i came across one interesting paper on organizational behavior management in healthcare. Organizational behavior management (OBM) focuses on what people do, analyzes , and then applies strategy to improve what people do.

Behavior is influenced by the system in which it occurs, yet it can be treated as a unique contributor to many errors, and certain changes in behavior can prevent errors.
Feel free to quote any real field experience related with organizational behavior and how it caused impact on performance?



Posted : 25/11/2016 2:42 pm
Posts: 14
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The article you posted was very interesting. Currently at my job the organizational behavior is all over the place and it impacts the way we all operate. Learning about OBM made me realize that some companies lack that aspect and tend to forget that it is an important piece. I also think it applies to all fields of work. The link below is another article I found that I thought was quite interesting as well:

Posted : 26/11/2016 9:03 am
Posts: 54
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Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. It does this by taking a system approach. That is, it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives.
Importance of organization behavior Management
1.It builds better relationship by achieving people’s, organizational, and social objectives.
2.It covers a wide array of human resource like behavior, training and development, change management, leadership, teams etc.
3.It brings coordination which is the essence of management.
4.It improves goodwill of the organization.
5.It helps to achieve objectives quickly.
In my real field experience with a good organization behavior it is good practice to achieve our goal.We need people to support us and people to listen to what we say .It can only be active by a good organizational behavior

Irene lloyd

Posted : 26/11/2016 3:50 pm
Posts: 15
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I think being able to recognize this for your employees is a skill that is absolutely necessary in the hiring process when considering someone for a management position. Your manager should be able to see where you as an employee excel, hone your skills, and drive you further.

I also think it’s something that should be closely looked at when designing a company training policy. You want an effective and easy to pick up training system. Of course, you will never find something that works for everyone but more organized and analyzed these are looked at the more employee satisfaction your company will have. This leads to better employee retention and in turn employee output.

Posted : 27/11/2016 6:53 am
Posts: 14
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One thing I noticed within the company that I work for is how quickly organizational behavior can change. The overall attitude of the company was fantastic until the CEO was replaced and the organizational structure was changing. With people losing their jobs, the always positive attitude of the employees diminished. What I had found surprising, however, from a performance perspective, the organizational behavior improved; so much that they became the number one industrial gas company in the world. Obviously firing employees isn't necessarily the answer to improve performance but I found this very interesting.

Posted : 27/11/2016 1:28 pm
Posts: 15
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The way employees behave at work will differ from their behavior as individuals in a social setting. A variety of factors influence organizational behavior, including the company's structure, policies and procedures, management effectiveness and interactions between colleagues. All of these elements can inspire employees to work harder or contribute to disengagement.

Posted : 27/11/2016 2:04 pm
Posts: 15
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I believe that there needs to be a certain balance when it comes to organizational behavior, it should be somewhere between structured and very comfortable. Companies have to have a certain degree of slack in there behavior, you should enjoy working the other people and maintain a certain level of friendship. However there needs to be a a certain level of structure in behavior to maintain professionalism and focus. I think the ideal is for a company to be balanced somewhere between totally relaxed and rigid.

Posted : 27/11/2016 4:01 pm
Posts: 15
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I highly agree with this sentiment. Corporate culture can change in the blink of an eye. I too share the same experience where shuffling management has resulted in a drastic change of perceived job security and camaraderie. However, the amount of completed CAPAs and NCRs were up, as were bonuses. It is certainly interesting to say the least. However with everyone working more hours to "save their jobs", I would rather look for another job that with a better organizational "fit" with me.

Posted : 27/11/2016 4:16 pm
Posts: 12
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I 100% agree that there should be a good balance of comfort & structure in an organization. I've worked in departments on both ends of that spectrum.

In a structured department, team members are so uptight and overly professional that open discussion in general wasn't encouraged. This can be detrimental because it is crucial in my opinion to have an atmosphere where people can ask for help or discuss work plans/strategies - basically general collaboration is highly beneficial. The department was so structured that people felt uncomfortable about getting to know their co-workers. I feel it is so much easier to achieve collaboration when people generally feel comfortable talking to each other.

On the other hand, when you have a department that is so relaxed that work simply doesn't progress at all, that is obviously not great either. Either that department has nothing going on or simply doesn't deliver on its projects.

So essentially, an organization in between these two extremes will produce a great culture where people are motivated to learn and collaborate but still have that sense of urgency and productivity to advance projects.

Posted : 27/11/2016 5:37 pm
Posts: 15
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Based on my experience, I disagree with those that say corporate culture can change in the blink of an eye. This is usually the hardest to change, and what some mistake for culture change is simply a change in moral. Moral can easily increase or decrease with some changes such as, hiring or firing of management or employees, stock price increasing or decreasing, regulatory investigation, bonus, etc, which can all impact productivity.
One of the company I have worked for went through great lengths to influence and improve our organization. The rational at the time was that employees who trusted each other and were happier would work harder and be more productive. So with this, the company would send the groups on team building retreats, in addition to the in-house team building activities. There were lots of development initiatives for employees, from professional to personal. There was a required 50hr diversity training per year. All conflicts had to be resolve with open dialog, and I could go on about the many other sub initiatives.
Overall this was very successful, and productivity was at it's highest. Unfortunately, it wasn't sustainable as the company began going through a market contraction, and the cost for all these initiatives were very expensive. So, slowing these initiatives were canceled and you could see how the corporate culture was slowly changing for the worse.

Posted : 27/11/2016 6:07 pm
Posts: 15
Active Member

I also agree that there should be balance between structured and comfortable organizational behaviors. Each worked should maintain professionalism; they should appreciate and support other colleagues. It is important to be comfortable in the work environment by having good relations with others. Employee should have open mind to adjust in different company structures, policies and procedures. Corporations place every person in management in fierce competition with each other. This applies to gaining an edge over another company or over a colleague within the company. As an employee, you are expected to be part of the "team," but you also must show you potential by representing yourself in best manner.

Posted : 27/11/2016 6:50 pm
Posts: 53
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There definitely needs to be a balance when it comes to organizational behavior and I think a lot of people find it hard to draw the line between what is professional and what is too friendly. If employees are too friendly, work may not get done in a timely fashion and company policies may become blurred lines that are able to be manipulated to work in an individuals favor instead of being standard, set rules. On the other hand, if a comfortable and welcoming culture isn't present, employees may dread doing their jobs and in turn become less motivated and productive. Companies should make the effort to find an in-between where employees are comfortable to mingle with co-workers while maintaining a professional mindset to get their jobs done, which is the priority.

Posted : 28/11/2016 10:49 am
Posts: 25
Eminent Member

Several factors impact organizational performance such as culture, motivation, decision making, and change management. Each of these factors impact organizational behavior differently. I would say one of the most impactful factors is change management. People hate change and when you introduce something new to their daily routine, they can become overwhelmed quickly simply because people are creatures of habit. All organizations need to adjust to changes in their industry whether it is technical or procedural in nature. By understanding organizational behavior, companies can quickly adapt and manage change. I found this article in reference to some of the high level factors in organizational behavior that impact performance

Posted : 13/12/2016 6:24 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

From my experience the best impact of worker performance is leadership. This works both ways, poor leadership means very poor outcomes. A leader needs to firstly have a clearly defined vision. Without a vision the workers cannot see an end goal and then it becomes a slog fest for them. Secondly, a leader needs to be animated. The leader needs to inspire their workers to believe in the work, not just do the work. I have been on all four sides of this, good/bad leader and worker answering to good/bad leader. You can clearly tell which groups are going to be effective by the way the leader acts in the first meeting.

Posted : 25/11/2018 11:56 am