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Approaches to Research

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Based on this week’s lecture there are numerous differences on how research is approached in an academia compared to industry. Name two ways that research is approached in academia versus industry. Out of the two approaches which one do you find to be better? Explain.

Posted : 18/09/2017 3:51 am
Posts: 61
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The beauty of research is that even in academia or industry, it speaks the same general language and can be translated between both worlds. However, the goal is where research changes direction. In academia research is undergone to further advance humanity and solve problems while in industry, research is used to create a new product and attain revenue based on the funded research project. In industry there is always competition between companies to create solutions that can help solve problems for customers. research in academia in my perspective, i believe that this is where most of the innovation is done, the project is funded to lead new discoveries while in industry it may be too expensive and risky to undertake without knowing the outcome. However, as mentioned before that both platforms of academia and research speaking the same language, this is where both realms can come together and cultivate a new product by working together. I believe there isn't a specific platform to be better than the other, but in fact that both are ideal and can benifit from each other.

Posted : 18/09/2017 5:39 am
Posts: 40
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One way in which research is approached in academia is that professors, post-docs, or grad students have the flexibility in developing there own idea or project. If the idea is worthy enough they are able to receive grants and carry on with their project. As for working in the industry, the company has their own ideas on what they want to figure out and produce for the healthcare industry, and they produce their products more efficiently. Another approach to research in academia would be that to get their research known they have to complete a publication. Research in academia means nothing if the whole story isn't available for others to understand, especially if you want to receive credit for your findings. In industry, they don't necessarily have to worry about publications, but instead they have to make sure their project is complete depending on management and when they expect it to be done. I think that the approach in industry is better because, you are actually producing products and helping people quicker. In academia, although they are trying to make a difference, the process is a lot slower, and it takes longer to get their product to help people.

Posted : 18/09/2017 9:50 am
Posts: 79
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Research in academia is approached though the pure goal of knowing the unknown or in the sense to ascertain a solution to a particular personal problem regardless of the monetary reward. The research may have a deeper personal connection to those academic scientists working closely to advance their knowledge in the field and each breakthrough brings them a step closer to self-fulfillment.

This can be contrasted to industrial research where the topic of study is always monetarily driven even though it may not be the most important for society. This can be seen today in the big pharma companies focus on short term “illnesses “ or a prescription an individual would have to take every day for a better quality of life compared to life saving vaccines. Looking at the big picture, vaccines could potentially save millions of lives, however, they are mostly (or a few) injection drugs that don’t see much reoccurring use within a population which directly affects their profitability. Therefore, a simple cough medication, or even better, cholesterol medication of which a patient takes to cure a non-life threatening condition are greatly favored due to their prevalence and “need” for a more comfortable lifestyle.

Posted : 18/09/2017 10:07 am
Posts: 47
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Many instances of Research in industry is approached with only the final goal in mind. because of the confidentiality required in business, any discoveries are not reported on publicly further delaying gratification from the work done. In academia, however, researchers are often submitting publications throughout the investigation. this difference in prospective timelines can have effects on the environment, culture, and tone of research being done. so while you may prefer the big win of a completed project/product like Dr. Simon, in academia, research has the potential to secure more smaller 'wins'.

I also agree with dag56 about academia research being done for the sake of attaining a solution to a problem. but i must add that sometimes research is simply curiosity about a process or mechanism. where as Industry research is approached to prove a particular so that the knowledge can be applied to a project.

Posted : 18/09/2017 10:39 pm
Posts: 79
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Research in academia is approached though the pure goal of knowing the unknown or in the sense to ascertain a solution to a particular personal problem regardless of the monetary reward. The research may have a deeper personal connection to those academic scientists working closely to advance their knowledge in the field and each breakthrough brings them a step closer to self-fulfillment.

This can be contrasted to industrial research where the topic of study is always monetarily driven even though it may not be the most important for society. This can be seen today in the big pharma companies focus on short term “illnesses “ or a prescription an individual would have to take every day for a better quality of life compared to life saving vaccines. Looking at the big picture, vaccines could potentially save millions of lives, however, they are mostly (or a few) injection drugs that don’t see much reoccurring use within a population which directly affects their profitability. Therefore, a simple cough medication, or even better, cholesterol medication of which a patient takes to cure a non-life threatening condition are greatly favored due to their prevalence and “need” for a more comfortable lifestyle.

(Duplicate post since it failed to register. Originally posted September 18, 2017 at 3:07 pm)

Posted : 19/09/2017 6:20 am
Posts: 67
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Flexibility is the biggest advantage for an academic research scientist. There is not only flexibility in terms of your working schedule but also the flexibility on the topic of research as well. However, scientists working in the industry, for an instance in a startup, are working around the clock to achieve results due to limited funds and work pressure.This doesn't mean that the academia researchers work only few hours rather sometimes they work more out of their passion. In the industry, researchers don't always get their topic of choice. There has to be a specific commercial focus and they are part of the team and all of their focus is to accomplish that goal.

Posted : 19/09/2017 7:52 am
Posts: 80
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Research is different in academia than industry, because the purpose of research is research, it keeps on going forever because there is always more to discover; unlike research in industry where it comes to an end after reaching the desired purpose of the research, which is to probably finish a desired project. There is also no deadlines for the research in academia except for the grant and publications deadlines, on the other hand industry has a deadline for the whole research so you have more freedom in academia. I like how the purpose of research is research so it is out of the love of research, so you enjoy it more than do it to get to a certain result and get the money for it.

Posted : 19/09/2017 4:54 pm
Posts: 74
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Approaching research in an academic setting typically starts when a professor has an idea and decides to use their network to figure out possible solutions. Academic research is approached through interest and exploration. IF a professor is interested in any topic, they can explore it and find the resources to do so. Typically in industry, the research is focused on the company's goals and/or current strategies. I personally find the research in academia better because passionate ideas are much better pursued and successful than ideas planted into one's minds. Research that comes from general interest is fueled by curiosity whereas research in industry can be placed on you as a job rather than a passion.

Posted : 21/09/2017 5:17 pm
Posts: 78
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In industry, research is done based on an immediate need for the product. Unless there is a problem that has to be solved, usually the research isn't pushed in industry. In academia, research is done based on an immediate or future need for the product. In academia, they solve problems that might be current or might be a future problem that we anticipate and know is coming like for example, climate change (industry would ignore it, sadly). I think that the best approach would be academia because in industry, its always rushed and the best product isn't outputted. For example, to stay competitive in the submarine business (globally), you have to be ahead of other countries. If there is word that a country has some technology that we don't then they push to get that research out to get that technology. One has to ask: if that country has been working on this technology for years and now, we take a few months to output something like it, who do you think will have the better product? Research in industry ends up being about getting something done, not getting it done well. In academia, the research is more well thought out.

Posted : 22/09/2017 9:23 am
Posts: 39
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In academia, research is approached with a sense of curiosity and passion for the field. The work is driven by grants and the hierarchy is structured in a way such that a professor or senior researcher leads a team of students and academics to answer questions relevant to the field. On the other hand, industry research is approached as a means to an end. It is a tool that allows the company to produce its products and isn't the end-goal or passion of the top level management. It is difficult to say one is better than the other because they both are essential to our progress as a society. They rely on each other to conduct their work and both processes would be greatly affected if the other weren't in existence. I feel that it boils down to what the individual has a passion for. If it is academics and discovery, then academic research is the best option. If the passion is a decent life and literally anything else, then it is industry. Either way, it helps to have an interest in the field.

Posted : 22/09/2017 3:42 pm
Posts: 35
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Research in academia is generally approached in the following manner: "I am curious about this subject and I want to delve deeper into it." Research in academia generally stems from the thrill of discovery and requires a kind of passion that merits the possibility of no grand reward for hard work. Research in industry is approached in this manner: "We need to get this product out by this date, so you guys need to do research for this by this time." In industry, research is conducted based on the needs of the company. The company will fund the research using a pre-set budget, but its only goal is to benefit the company. With this in mind one can say that research in academia is approached with an explorer's hat while research in industry is approached with a miner's pick axe. They each have their own benefits in terms of lifestyle and financial gain; however, which one is better is pretty much up to the type of person in either field.

EDIT: grammar

Posted : 23/09/2017 6:50 am
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

Research in academia is mostly ones passion to denote their time in innovations and research for the unknown outcome. It might also be personal in addressing a problem to find a solution. Research in academia is not money oriented and it is based on individuals interest to carry out research on their own with no limited time frame.
Research in industry is basically to develop a product which can make money. A proper known goal is set on which people work to reach the goal in limited time. There is no personal connection for doing research in industry like in academia. At the end of the day, the research in industry should fetch money unlike academia research.
I feel more innovations and discoveries happen in academia research because of the freedom they have rather than in industrial research where in it is constrained to "making money" at the end of the research. To say which research is better, it depends on individuals perception on the purpose of research they want to do. I feel industry research is better because the innovations which result in the end product would impact on the society sooner which i can see and feel happy about that.

Posted : 23/09/2017 10:28 am
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

In the industry, the research has to follow the steps. Their final goal is to make the products that can earn money. They have to be innovated that make the product attractive. Change the dosage form which is better absorbed, or combine something with the main components to reduce toxic effect can work. But in academic, these work less. The researchers in academic have to have more idea of innovation, think more on the future treatment.
At the same time, in the industry, the research has to be concerned whether it can volume produced. The experiment in the lab is just the first part of the whole project. If their product can only be produced in the lab with the tiny output, it is meaningless. However, in the academic, they have not to think about this. Finish the project, get the product, prove the feasibility is meaningful.

Posted : 23/09/2017 8:41 pm
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

In the industry research is done by scientists or engineers as oppose to grad-students or post-docs in academia. I think that researchers in the industry setting is a better approach since you have a wider selection of candidates that will do the research. I'm not bashing or discrediting grad-students and post-docs, but I believe that being in the profession of scientist/engineering in the industry setting makes the scientist/engineer more well-rounded due to previous experience. Also, as mentioned in the video, the lifestyle of doing research for industry is better due to lifestyle differences where the industry setting gets the edge. Another advantage for industry setting is that projects are born with a specific reason that will be used for now. I think that making discoveries that will be used now gives a gratifying sensation where seeing results for your hard work had helped improve the well-being of the society. Also, this can lead to another subject of research for the future.

Posted : 24/09/2017 5:21 am
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