@jjp93 I completely agree with the same interest in CRAs as I find value in performing and monitoring trials that related to medical research. It's really interesting consolidating the data and analyzing it to manufacture better applications that can be implemented in healthcare. CRAs are the backbone of research and it would be interesting performing this role because they have such an integral function in carrying out the research. Their work directly has an impact on customers and that is very intriguing to me.
I would choose to be a part of the Regulatory group. I believe that all those roles are important to have a successful project team, however, Regulatory seems the most important, even though it does not include a lot of research. Regulatory usually oversees all project activities, not necessarily as an approver but as a reviewer to ensure that all the language that is used follows the FDA's recommendations. Regulatory seems like it is a lot of boring paperwork and learning about standards but at the same time it is the most critical role to close off the project. Everything has to go through regulatory to make sure that the story we are trying to tell the FDA can be easily followed and that all documents are consistent and have the conclusions desired to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the product.
I would choose the Project Managerial role . Initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure report all come under the responsibility of a Project Manager. The role has a way to string together all the departments in a way such that the project becomes successful at the end of it so I would like to see myself as a Project Manager. Always having the hunger to learn more and impart the knowledge to the team is a big role which the project manager has to play and I would love to see myself performing the role whenever the opportunity arrives.
In a clinical project team, I would be interested in working in a regulatory role. I am interested in how the process followed to review and approve devices by the FDA. Additionally, I believe regulatory plays an important role in ensuring the safety and efficacy while creating new devices.
In addition to regulatory, I think it would be interesting to work as a statistician and work to analyze the data collected from clinical trials.
From the list of roles of a clinical project team, they all had their interesting aspects but the roles that grabbed my attention were the "Clinical Research Organizations (CROs)" or the Laboratories. These, mainly, because I enjoy hands on work. Working a clinical trial from start to finish, like CROs do or working in the labs seem fun and interesting. That is why these two are at the top of the list of roles I would be interested in doing.