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Engineer vs. Manager

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I would rather be an engineer for a good number of years before considering trying to become a manager. It all comes down to you want the extra responsibility and accountability. Speaking with the general manager at my workplace now, he asked if I would consider doing an internship for the company in some assistant manager position. I respectively declined as I am only working in the company while I am in school and he said it was for the best not to take it if I wasn't behind it. He said that management easily becomes "babysitting" when you do it long enough and that is not what he originally wanted to do going into management. If you want to be in management you have to have the experience of running the gauntlet and you have to be ready for the responsibility and accountability as I stated before. It is not for me at this point, and at this point I am content with working as an engineer and taking direction.

Posted : 30/04/2017 10:23 pm
Posts: 41
Eminent Member

I need to continue filling in as an Engineer since I will be specifically required in the venture. Build likewise have an imperative part to perform in the venture. On the off chance that a specialist's employment is done as such inadequately as to make the item non-attractive, the item will come up short and won't be utilized. At the point when the quality along all measurements passes the reception edge, each change along any measurement is adequately a blessing to the clients – who'd be utilizing the item in any case. This is false where upgrades contribute essentially to ubiquity, yet genuine where they don't.

Posted : 01/05/2017 3:57 pm
Posts: 42
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I believe most of us go into engineering hoping to start out on the technical side of things. For me, that was what I was interested in for sure. I enjoy utilizing the skill set learned through school and internships to solve real life problems either on the manufacturing side or the design side. I see myself working on the technical side of things for at least 5-10 years experience while gaining all that technical knowledge. After a while I would like to transition into the managerial side of the business to gain more visibility to projects. Being a manager would be more beneficial with all that technical knowledge to supplement the need soft skills to thrive within a managerial role.

Posted : 16/04/2018 3:58 pm
Posts: 37
Eminent Member

For me, I will work as an engineer for 3-4 years and learn most of the technical stuff that I can use to enhance my career so that i have a proper experience and then I will shift to management positions.

Posted : 22/04/2018 9:30 am
Posts: 76
Trusted Member

I would say at the moment, I would want to work as an engineer. I have been in the field for less than a year and I noticed manager's do more paperwork while the engineers are more hands on. I want to gain as much experience as possible and be exposed to several situations. Eventually I would like to move into a management role since I enjoy being in charge and having tons of responsibilities.

Posted : 22/04/2018 9:49 am
Posts: 53
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I would love to continue as an engineer until I become a principal engineer. Once I am a principal engineer for a few years, then I would consider looking into a management position so that I understand how to manage every level of engineering because I've already gone through those positions. I really do love the hands-on work that engineers do, especially in R&D. It's really cool to be on the front line of innovative product development where you can really exercises all the engineering concepts learned in school.

Posted : 22/04/2018 11:13 am
Posts: 75
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I think most of us had the same Idea is to have at least couple years of experience and then target a management level of a role. And, I agree with that. I would like to focus on one industry to learn as much as I can about it. Also, I do enjoy more hands-on work and testing rather than managing the tasks and people doing the work As it was mentioned in the slides " engineering roles, Alignment of maximum job satisfaction with maximum job contribution." But I think to be a good manager you should know as much as you can the background of the project. It helps for a better judgement and taking the right decision. Also, I noticed most of the top management have an engineering degree with management degree such MPA. So, I would like to follow the same path as it's the growth path in most companies Senior engineer, engineering management then higher up to top management.

Posted : 22/04/2018 2:34 pm
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

I began as administration position and afterward I chose to go for engineering job without a doubt that going back to my technical roots was the right choice for me. As an engineer, your value is considerably more direct — you achieve a piece of the engineering work that requirements to complete to send the product. I took in a great deal about myself all the while and found that there are extra things associated with whether a person can flourish with the administration track than I initially figured it out. It's important to remember what energizes or de-energizes you, how you feel achievement and what drives and excites you.

Posted : 22/04/2018 2:50 pm
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

I would like continue being an engineer. I would like to find my area of interest, build my expertise over the years and a reputation in the industry. Once, I'm at the senior, expert level, I would like move ahead and become a consultant.

Posted : 22/04/2018 3:41 pm
Posts: 123
Estimable Member

For me I would like to work as an engineer and after 4-7 years I would like be a manager. Also, I think after getting more experience in the field I can start my own company. My goal to start my own company to do maintenance and installing for different medical imaging modalities equipment.

Posted : 22/04/2018 5:54 pm
Posts: 117
Estimable Member

I have been working as an engineer for 3 years and enjoy what I am doing. I still am not sure if I want to take a technical or managerial career path. I think I would like to gain some more technical experience over the next several years, but I could see myself transitioning into a managerial role sometime in the future.

Posted : 25/04/2018 4:18 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

I would love to be a research/scientist for some time and work on projects. I have some leadership skills and wouldn't mind going back to something like that. I agree with most of you in that I would stay where I was to get experience and then move into a manager position so that way I have that experience to help lead others. I wouldn't want to give up the research position as easily though.
I also firmly believe in hiring from within the company than to hire outside help. I would rather be promoted or someone I work with be promoted to a manager position than to have someone with little knowledge of staff and background come in and become a the new boss. That being said I do understand why it happens as sometimes you need the experience that only outside help can provide.

Posted : 26/04/2018 9:52 am
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

I would prefer to be an engineer and then transition into a manager role once I’m more experienced and have more knowledge of how the industry I am working for works. I first want to be an engineer working in the industry because that will give me a more technical background because of working directly on the products. Once I’m more comfortable, I wouldn’t mind transitioning into a manager role at a company after a few years. By then I will have plenty of experience under my belt and I would be able to lead the team better because I’ll understand what they will be going through more and be able to assist on the technical side.

Posted : 26/04/2018 12:16 pm
Posts: 54
Trusted Member

As posted above, after graduation everyone need to gain experience and enter into manger role. I am working for a big organization for 6 months now . I also have engineers who is experienced for 25 years. They have all knowledge about the work. But why they are not interested in becoming a manager. I asked one of them, He told its is hard to manage a group. The manger is first one to loose the job if something get bad. That means managers have no job security. That may be true. But for me, I really believe i do have a manager skill and i can become a manger after couple of years of experience. What i believe in becoming a leader or manager you should have a good communication skill, management skill, and always a team leader need to be a motivator.

Posted : 27/04/2018 7:24 am
Posts: 74
Trusted Member

As my colleagues have posted above, I also agree that I would prefer to continue as an engineer for a few years. In that process, I would like to quickly rise to Principal Engineer then transition into a managerial position and continue to move up that ladder. I believe that I possess and will continue to gain managerial skills that I can transfer to a managerial position. I do like the technical aspect but I always believe in diversification which transitioning to the business aspect of the company can bring.

Posted : 27/04/2018 2:03 pm
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