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Let's Be Motivated!!!

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Suppose you are a project manager in a medical industry. What are some ways you would motivate the team members you are managing? Does a project manager’s level of motivation affect the team's productivity and motivation level? Explain.

Posted : 17/04/2017 6:19 pm
Posts: 72
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Project managers motivation is critical in a team. Each team member needs to look up to the project manager and be comfortable with the deadlines, and tasks assigned. As a project manager, your motivation, your time management skills and your interpersonal skills will play a major role in how well your team performs. For example, my only project manager experience is working as a project coordinator in a non-medical field. I am in charge of 50 students and 6 tutors. On some days, it feels like the program is not running according to the timeline or I will not be able to deliver the expected results of this program by the department. However, each student, each tutor that walks in office, I make sure he or she leaves the office knowing that I am up to date and i know exactly what they are doing with their assigned tasks. I also send out regular emails to all the students and tutors and book appointments with them. As a project coordinator and the head of the program, this allows them to know that someone actually cares and is up to date with every issue that comes about. So through regular communication, face to face meeting, and keeping an update on each team members allows the program to run according to plan and obtain expected results.

Suppose I only sent one email in a week and could not tell what the name of the student is or what his academic profile looks like. I would not be able to give this the expected results and the team members would not put in the effort they should because the leader of the program doesn't seem interested.

So yes level of motivation does affect the team's productivity and motivation level.

Posted : 18/04/2017 10:33 am
Posts: 51
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Team members are the main and the most important resource of each company. For achieving successful results, each leader needs to have a motivation strategy to create and maintain the spirit of enthusiasm among employees. If I would be a manager, I would like to see my team members to be motivated and especially I would make sure that everyone is enjoying whatever work they are involve in. I would share the organizational vision with team members, so they can feel they are part of the organization. Sometime good communication can solve big problems; I would motivate my team members to communicate with each other as well as with me. I would show appreciation because appreciation is the greatest reward than money for most people. Encourage creativities, support new ideas, and give each one opportunities to grow. I think project manager’s motivation level does affect team’s productivity because motivated employees are more productive. If employee will satisfied and happy then he/she will do his /her work in a very impressive way, and then the result will be good, on the other hand motivated employee will motivate other employees in office.

Posted : 19/04/2017 11:34 am
Posts: 51
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I agree with the above comments, the project managers level of motivation spreads through the team. The spirit of motivation is contagious and very helpful. The project manager needs to show interest, passion and motivation to allow others to act as their leader. If a project manager is not motivated, it will have a huge impact on everyone else on the team, just like a domino effect.

Posted : 21/04/2017 7:31 am
Posts: 53
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As explained above, the project manager is the main factor on how the motivation of the team varies as the project gets done. For example: there was this time that our team was trying to get done a very hard step in order to complete the job. I remember we stayed late throughout the whole week and then we even worked in the weekend. When it was Sunday, the manager told us to take well deserved break and took us to dinner that same day. The food was delicious and the team was able to distress and regenerate energies to start over the following day. On the same way, if the project manager does not stay motivated, this will spread like a virus and the team will be negatively affected by it.
Let me know what you think.
Roberto Pineda.

Posted : 21/04/2017 7:42 am
Posts: 41
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I concur with the above remarks, the venture directors level of inspiration spreads through the group. The soul of inspiration is infectious and extremely supportive. The venture supervisor needs to show intrigue, energy and inspiration to enable others to go about as their pioneer. On the off chance that a venture supervisor is not roused, it will hugy affect every other person on the group, much the same as a domino impact.

Posted : 21/04/2017 4:03 pm
Posts: 31
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I definitely agree with everyone's opinion previously stated. Yes, I strongly believe a project manager's level of motivation affects the team's productivity and motivation level when it comes to carrying out a project. The job title of a project manager can sometimes be misleading because sometimes people will think that they really are just managers. However, to be a successful project manager, you have to be more than just a manager. You have to be a leader. As a project manager, you shouldn't have the mindset that people work for you and your project. Project team members don't work for you, they work with you. Project team members should easily pickup the energy from their leader, in this case, the project manager. If the project manager is highly motivated, then motivation should quickly follow and trickle down the whole project team.

Posted : 22/04/2017 5:50 pm
Posts: 36
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A PM should avoid nagging his team mates for meaningless questions about project mechanics at all the cost because that leads to loss of faith in the PM. He/She should focus on building a healthy relation within the team and engage with team mates on a more meaningful level. And set up a RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) Matrix to make sure that everyone is putting in their 100% and everyone is aware of other's contribution. Though it takes time to prepare one but projects with RACI matrices have less confusion about the ownership, review, and accountability.

Posted : 22/04/2017 6:59 pm
Posts: 36
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As mentioned above, a manager's level of motivation plays a huge role in how the team is motivated. If the manager does not show that much interest in the project - the employees will see it as a project that is not important and likewise will not show interest as well. The manager's goal is to ensure that information is carried over from top level downwards to the everyday tasks. The manager should maintain a healthy and supportive relationship between themselves and their employees to bolster motivation. Something that can improve motivation on a project is giving more responsibility to an individual or having them do something different for a change. Responsibility will ensure motivation as the employee will feel that their manager trusts them to do more and as a result they will put their best foot forward. Assigning a task that is different than what an employee always does is another way for managers to keep their employees motivated. This adds variance to their everyday role and makes the work more excited rather than dull and repetitive. A manager should be able to cater to the needs of his team and ensure that their employees stay motivated.

Posted : 22/04/2017 7:48 pm
Posts: 113
Estimable Member

I have seen first hand how the project managers motivation affects the team productivity and motivation. Whenever the project manager leaves for vacation the entire office becomes very relaxed on their workload. But when the project manager is in his office everyone is focused and working extremely hard. A major project deadline was April 10th and a week before the deadline the PM met with his team. He was stern, direct and yet motivational so that the team members would be able to meet the requirements by the deadline of April 10th. The project manager always comes to work 10 minutes early and leaves 10 minutes late. His work is always completed on time with great amount of justification for his work. Since the project manager is always on task and is a role model of a great worker the rest of the team follows his footprints.

Posted : 23/04/2017 11:14 am
Posts: 92
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The best method to motivate my team members, if i was a project manager, would be to show the influence the product being produced has on the users. For example, show the logistics on how the product is growing and its impact to the applicable patient population. As the comments mentioned above, this motivation is heavily depended on communications and a mutual understanding between team members.

Posted : 23/04/2017 11:47 am
Posts: 61
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A project manager's motivation level will of course affect the team he/she manages. Lazy project managers beget lazy project teams, aggressive/motivated project managers beget aggressive/motivated project teams. Of course, individual personality has a great deal of influence beyond just the project manager, but their influence is felt nonetheless. However, it should be noted that motivation is fine when it is focused and well directed. My project manager is very motivated, but he is spread across so many different projects that his team is subsequently spread too thin. Every team member has a large number of projects to work on with varying degrees of criticality. Motivation alone isn't enough for the team to succeed.

My personal motivational style would involve keeping members of my team abreast of the big picture. Why are we doing what we are doing. Also, I would make an effort to know each individual and the challenges they are facing in their individual tasks, so they do not feel like they are facing them alone.

Posted : 23/04/2017 2:59 pm
Posts: 79
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If I was a project manager, some of the ways I would motivate my team would be through monetary incentives, public recognition, and a simple small reward system. In regard to the monetary incentives, I would definitely employ overtime hours and baseline incentives for simple goals reached. Although small, these mini milestones would serve to show the employees that they were actually achieving parts of the project and they will be more Intune to the progress. Additionally, public recognition within the team would be a frequent occurrence because it not only shows/ rewards those who do exceptional work, but it would show the other employees what a leader among them looks like. Lastly, a small reward system that gives away nominal items or lunch vouchers would immediately be put into effect. In exchange for an increase in productivity seen in the companies output, employees would feel immediately appreciated and rewarded. Each of these ideas is a relatively simple change to make and has the potential to dramatically change the working atmosphere.

A manager’s attitude is critical to the motivation of their staff. If the manager is seen to be unhappy, the mood is ‘contagious’ and is passed down subconsciously. I have actually experienced this phenomena first hand where the motivation of a PM drastically affected the demeanor of our staff. The PM was immediately pulled aside once upper management saw production drop and sensed the issue to correct the issue. Essentially, motivation is highly contagious, both good and bad.

Posted : 23/04/2017 6:03 pm
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Motivation is very important to a project manager and their team. The project manager should be able to get the team excited or inspired to make progress toward a common goal. It is important to do this without sounding too cliche or too forced. Sometimes if a project manager can come off forced or even condescending and have a complete opposite effect on a team's morale. It definitely takes practice, but it is essential for a project manager to motivate properly and effectively.

Posted : 23/04/2017 6:16 pm
Posts: 65
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Good communication skill is one of the best skill to motivate a team. A good leader should speak out well and that gives the confident the co-workers. If a person gains the confidence he will be ready to face any kind of challenge. For a challenge, than the capacity of a person confidence matters more. An optimistic attitude creates lot of achievements.

Yes, the level of motivation of the project manager affects the team and team members. The PM is the leader who is in charge of everything. He is the captain of the ship. Only if the captain in the ship is motivates and has confidence on himself and his team members, then they can struggle and come out of their hardships easily. If the captain does not have enough confident then everything will get messed up. So PM motivation plays a predominant role in any industry.

Posted : 23/04/2017 6:36 pm
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