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Let's Be Motivated!!!

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The PM definitely has an impact on the team's motivation and productivity level. In order to successfully motivate the team, the PM must determine what motivates, demotivates, and keeps each member engaged. The PM should make an effort to understand what matters most to each individual since it can vary from person to person. For example, challenge and excitement may keep one member engaged while the social aspect of the job may keep another engaged. The PM can form a team of self-motivated people, if he/she is good at assigning roles/tasks that will satisfy each member's goal/drive. The PM should be attentive to any conflicts and receptive to constructive criticism a member will bring up. Above all, the PM should try to avoid factors that may demotivate people. One major demotivator is underappreciation, therefore the PM should show their gratitude whenever the team is doing a good job at completing tasks in a timely manner. Simply vocalizing his/her appreciation can provide an incentive for members to remain engaged and strive to do better. By keeping the members motivated and engaged, productivity should increase and the project will stay on track.

Posted : 27/04/2019 6:23 am
Posts: 79
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I will reinforce an aspect of motivation (as many of you have said above). The main thing a manager needs is to ensure that their subordinates feel like they have a personal stake in the project's success. That is the best way to ensure that the workers will give their best effort in order to ensure the project's success. When working on any project, let's say building something as simple as a birdhouse. The only way that it's going to get built is if you really want to build the birdhouse. If you don't want to make one, or you have no real stake in the outcome, it becomes very easy to forget or ignore the project and give it less than your best. All other factors are less important. A really excited manager who cares isn't as important as having workers that care just as much, if not more so.

Posted : 27/04/2019 10:58 am
Posts: 76
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It is very essential in any team to have some sort of enthusiasm regarding the project in order to perform their best and have the highest level of productivity. This can be certainly directed by the project manager in most cases. As explained in an earlier lecture, interpersonal skills are very important compared to the technical skills in many situations. This would require project managers to be able to lead both the group itself, the project flow and the group members, which means that the PM would need to control and manage different personalities in an efficient way and at the same time to motivate the group in order to achieve success and ensure that all outcomes meet the project requirements. As other replies mentioned above, PM should at first have a high level of motivation toward the project, then this would reflect eventually on the team. This includes staying with the group until late at night to complete a task to not miss a deadline, having good communication skills, act with fairness, etc.

Posted : 27/04/2019 7:42 pm
Posts: 82
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In my opinion, including people in the end goal does wonders for motivation. Showing people what the end product will be, explaining how it will be impactful, and showing them who it will have the impact on is a great motivation tool. By doing these three things, you give the team a sense of purpose or a "why". When things become arduous or maybe somewhat mundane, having a strong "why" motivates people to continue to do their best work by putting forth their best effort.

Posted : 28/04/2019 8:42 am
Posts: 83
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I think that motivation given by the project managers affects the productivity of the team. I would motivate my team by encouraging everyone to work together cohesively. Encouraging and promoting teamwork boosts overall productivity because it makes team members feel less isolated and helping them to feel more engaged with their tasks. Keeping healthy environment significantly impacts the productivity, creativity and contentment. Giving positive feedback and rewarding the team when employees achieve results and put extra efforts. A positive praise will inspire the team members. There should be more opportunity for growth and development. Teaching team transferable skills that they could use in different positions and encourage them to set themselves learning goals.

Posted : 02/05/2019 2:46 pm
Posts: 78
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Motivation of project managers have a direct correlation on the overall productiveness of the team. For team members to stay engaged and productive, they generally need proper motivation. This is just another incredibly important aspect of the project managers job. A workplace that has no social aspect between employees or limited communication could be detrimental to success in product development. Not only is communication key for the project to move along in that tasks rely on the completion of others, but if I was a project manager, I would emphasize the necessity for teamwork and communication between team members in order to improve morale, and maintain a successful outlook on the project.

Posted : 03/05/2019 5:57 am
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

A team is going to follow their project manager's examples. Therefore if he is lackadaisical his team is most likely going to slack off on assignments, thus causing a cascade of issues. It is important for a project manager to be communicative with his team, neat, and enthusiastic about all aspects of the project. Team motivation can be as simple as talking to the team members, and giving them positive feedback on what they are doing. A pizza party (or something of that manner) after the completion of a difficult task could be another form of motivation to keep the team striving for the best. By doing things like this the team members will know that the PM cares about them, and the task at hand; which will improve overall motivation, and mood of the team.

Posted : 03/05/2019 8:43 am
Posts: 77
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I think motivation is important for every industry/ work environment. Some ways that project managers can promote motivation is have open communication, recognizing employee hard work, and make work challenging to interest employees. The level motivation does effect because it encourages employees to work harder, if they are encourage more they will harder, which will increase productivity. To improve the work environment we need to encourage to strive for a goal and self confidence for pursuing greater things.

Posted : 05/05/2019 3:49 pm
Posts: 109
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I believe an importance aspect of a fruitful work environment is genuine enthusiasm.I think a project manager should always display the greatest enthusiasm possibly specially when dealing a failing aspect of the project.The level of motivation that he or she displays can directly influence its team member's motivation about the project. I also think that a project manager should reframe, whenever possibly,avoid nagging his team mates for seemingly meaningless questions and should cultivate an environment where questions are always welcome. This could recreate a sense of pride and a sentiment of being appreciated among the team.

Posted : 06/05/2019 11:00 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

I think it is important to be positive and exude an encouraging and enthusiastic demeanor in order to motivate one's team mates as a project manager. Nurturing a positive work culture and atmosphere can decrease workers' stress and thus enable more productivity and allow for a more efficient workflow. Ways this is accomplished include fostering social connections, showing empathy for team members as they encounter hiccups and going out of ones way to help. Doing all these things as a Project manager creates strong social ties among team members and gets them more motivated because they would be more willing to accomplish their goals and tasks at hand if they are understood clearly and WANT to work. One thing that can be unmotivated includes not properly understanding the social needs of the team members and expecting similar results from everyone. Not everyone is the same and some people need to be nurtured in different ways, but if the manager is empathetic enough they can bridge gaps and allow their team to connect. Thus, making them more motivated to work together to accomplish tasks.

Posted : 20/04/2020 10:43 pm
Posts: 82
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I think being a good leader and being able to motivate the members of your team is essential for a project manager. However, I think it's important to understand that everyone isn't motivated the same way. Some people are motivated financially - through raises, bonuses, etc. Others are motivated by promotions and increased responsibilities. And others are motivated by simple recognitions and others showing appreciation and acknowledgement of their good work. In order to properly motivate each member of the team, I think it's necessary for the PM to recognize what drives each person to come to work every day, and try to motivate them through those methods. Obviously a PM can't give everyone a raise or promotion every time they do something, but being on the same page as your team members with regards to promotions, raises, bonuses, etc. ensures that your employees stay happy and motivated, which in turn, will lead to positive results. 

Posted : 21/04/2020 7:42 am
Posts: 81
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As a manager’s level of motivation is to maintain a healthy relationship within the team members in all situations regardless of how hard the situation may be. This would impact the positive work relationship between the team members. Motivation should be the role of the manager, for the team to get inspired and work towards a common objective. Hence it is essential for the manger to motivate effectively and efficiently.

Posted : 23/04/2020 2:46 pm
Posts: 77
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I also agree that the motivation level of the project manager can definitely have a significant impact on the team's motivation. However, this motivation has to show through the project manager's actions rather than just their words. The project manager can reiterate to their team all day about how important the project is for the company and how upper management is pushing to get tasks complete, but in order to truly motivate the rest of the team, the project manager should also be setting an example. This means consistent communication, completing tasks on time, and fulfilling all other duties required from a project manager in order to support their team's efforts. If the team members see that the project manager is taking the project seriously, they are more likey to grasp the project's importance, therefore motivating them as well.

Posted : 30/04/2020 9:15 pm
Posts: 64
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managers' motivation to the team they are leading could drive the team to success. My manager at work has a chart of all the analyst and their performance, it's more of a competition to drive the analyst to be their very best. I was very skeptical about this idea of being judged about my performance and having my performance publicly viewed by all the team members. However, just because I didn't want my performance to be bad and wanted to excel just to prove how strong an analyst I was, I worked extra hard and it paid off by having great performance. This extra boost of motivation I didn't have on my own, it was my manager that gave it to me as well as the rest of my team.

Posted : 30/04/2020 9:51 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

The project managers level of motivation will typically determine how the team's motivation will be. Motivation is contagious and is a good character to share among the team as it will help boost productivity, passion, and correctness. If the project manager shares their interest, their passion, and motivation, the rest of the team will share this and accept the project manager as their leader and colleague. If the project manager doesn't share this motivation, the resulting output of their projects will be hugely impacted.

Posted : 02/05/2020 5:22 pm
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