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Priorities for Projects

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Posts: 26
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In my opinion, I think it is possible to have multiple objectives or goals for one project. It is very important to identify the scopes of the project before hand to make sure these different goals or priorities are put into consideration. However, widening the scope of the project to include more activities can increase how much needs to be done and it can make the project more vulnerable to any kind of delay. it is also important to rank or number each task or goal or to prioritize them and the ones with the highest priority should be the one to focus on more or to make sure it is done first. It is all about the techniques being used to plan the project and to make sure the scope has been identified from the initiating and planning phase.

Posted : 05/05/2019 5:46 pm
Posts: 78
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From my experience, I have found that projects often have more than one priority. I am currently working on a recall remediation project that has three distinguished priorities. The recall affects a specific component within infusion pumps that were manufactured during a specific time period. The remediation process classifies each infusion pump as high priority, low priority, or zero priority depending on the date of manufacture. By following this classification, my team was able to focus on the high priority devices which helped the overall project progress efficiently and on time. I think it is common for projects to have multiple priorities that vary in significance.

Posted : 26/04/2020 2:56 pm
Posts: 39
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It is posisble for a project to have multiple priorities but it is important to note this in the scope of the project. If all the prioritized portions of the project are note noted, then something may be overlooked. It is important to also note timelines and ways to increase productivity so that the project does not become vulnerable to delays.

Posted : 26/04/2020 9:19 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

The concept of project management priorities means to realize the fact that there is more than one way to manage projects, which requires the use and employment of experiences, skills and knowledge in project management in a varied arrangement and with varying degrees of work audit to achieve the target performance of the project and it is not intended that it can There is an unimportant process in the stages of work in projects. Rather, every process is employed and utilized by the project management and team when needed and in the stage that requires that process.

When implementing a project, the strategic goals of the owners of the project should be the ones that determine the steps and stages of the project implementation, and they are also the source of deriving the project priorities. Usually, the opinions of experts and specialists are assessed in assessing the basic factors involved in designing the project plan where priorities are determined The project according to the consideration of many parties represented by the stakeholders in the project and the governmental and other concerned authorities in addition to the needs and requirements of the market and customers and levels of competition.

Posted : 28/04/2020 2:33 pm
Posts: 82
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A project can certainly have multiple priorities. Often in the scope of a large project, numerous groups need to agree for the project to move forward, but each of those groups may have different motivations for wanting that particular project. Marketing may be pushing for it because it will be a great addition to the company's portfolio and will make the company a lot of money. R&D may want it because it will be a great opportunity to design something beyond what they typically work on. Manufacturing may want it because it will be made with a new type of technology that is way more efficient than what they currently use. However, at the end of the day, direction needs to come from leadership as to what the specific goals of the project are. Some groups may be asking for things that are nice to have, but not essential to completing the project and therefore, those items will not be a priority. Other groups though, may be asking for critical things that need to be included to complete the project, and those items should be considered a priority. 

Posted : 28/04/2020 8:00 pm
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Project Priorities should be set up according to the deliverables. If a project has different compartments to it or so as to say has a different parts which needs to be assembled together such that the final product is released then the most crucial parts of the product has to prepared at the beginning and the parts which would be of less importance can revolved or be prioritized around it. There are multiple projects which was mentions in the simulations in the class such as in the case of  the medical bottle coating simulation the  compatibility of the material of the product was of utmost importance so that needs to be tested first and then subsequently  the hydrophilic and the hydrophobic nature of the substance. A project manager should be in charge of the priorities which is needed for a project to get completed and such that all the tasks move out smoothly.

Posted : 26/04/2021 8:27 pm
Posts: 80
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If you are talking about priorities as goals then yeah for sure a project can have more than one priority. A project can simply start as part of a manufacturing update; some machinery can be old and due for a change so a team is put in place to find new machinery that are efficient and can accommodate for the current product design. Then once the team looks at the project they can say why not update the design of the product to make it relevant to the current technology in the market since we are getting new equipment anyway so might as well get them for the new updated design. Since the scope already includes a whole design update, why not look at the materials of the product and see if there are any opportunities for a cost to win. Now the project started as a manufacturing update to design update to cost to win. With that being said, there can be multiple priorities in a project depending on the situation, and this wouldn't be a scope creep since all of this would be highlighted in the early stages of the project after doing all the appropriate research. If you meant priorities as tasks then the answer is also yes. All the tasks on the critical paths are important to focus on, but sometimes a task that is not on the critical path can become critical if it experiences any delays or complications. Those highlighted tasks should be focused on as well as the ones on the critical path. Many tasks are done in parallel due to a tight timeline or a launch plan so more than one priority can be worked on at the same time but this has to be stated to the team clearly so that everyone on the team is on the same page and aligned on the deliverables.

Posted : 27/04/2021 6:02 pm
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I agree with the previous comments which it is possible to have a couple or several priorities in a project but I believe first of all we need to make sure all of these priorities are considered in the scope section of the project and also I think although we will have to achieve all priorities but on the other hand, we will need to rank the priorities of the project and those who have highest priorities should be in our most attention because probably ignoring these high priorities might increase the risk of the project.

Posted : 29/04/2021 8:56 pm
Posts: 54
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I agree with the previous posts that a project can have multiple priorities but these tasks should be in an order of their risk factors. The highest risk task should be given priority compared to others which helps in working on them and avoid the risks eventually. The timeline of the project should also be kept in mind to make sure that do not delay the project and waste any resources or time allotted to the assigned work.

Posted : 02/05/2021 9:05 pm
Posts: 42
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Posted by: @aasutosh-purohit

Every project comes with a priority. and it needs to be completed within a certain point of time. Is it possible that a Single project can focus on more than one priorities?

A task which is regarded as more important than others is a priority. Prioritization is organizing tasks in terms of importance relative to one another. For example, meeting a deadline for a project is a priority over answering a mail from a friend. A project manager deals with competing priority on a daily basis

Posted : 04/05/2021 12:17 pm
Posts: 81
Estimable Member
Posted by: @aasutosh-purohit

Every project comes with a priority. and it needs to be completed within a certain point of time. Is it possible that a Single project can focus on more than one priorities?

There is more than one priority when working on a project, and I will focus on two of them, which are planning and budget. Planning must be accomplished within the project, or else your project will be all over the place and not be completed on time. Being organized is one way to make sure planning is done correctly. Also, the budget is a huge priority when creating the project since you are given a budget for each project, and you must make sure everything can be done within the project budget, or else it can lead to delays and more expenses. So there are more than two priorities within one project, but I believe planning and the budget are the most important. 

Posted : 24/04/2022 1:16 pm
Posts: 78
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Absolutely, a single project most definitely can focus on more than one priority at a time. I've seen in manufacturing where one product will go through numerous processes and after each process, the parts are inspected to make sure that each process did not negatively impact the part. This is because the part has multiple requirements and each one is a priority. Each requirement requirement has a different process dedicated to it making our list of priorities rather long. I will say that not all the processes are successful and that sometimes parts are ruined from the processes. In this scenario, we are prioritizing our list and making calls on how we move forward. However this is where planning and contingencies come into play as these scenarios should be predicted.  

Posted : 24/04/2022 3:47 pm
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

As many others have said it is possible to have many priorities but two things must be true for this to occur. The first is that you can not prioritize everything so you need to pick a few things to prioritize making sure that you are not prioritizing two things that require the other to be deprioritized. The other is that within these things that you picked you need to decide which gets priority over what else in case you are heavily pinched.


Posted : 24/04/2022 4:05 pm
Posts: 60
Trusted Member

It is absolutely possible for a project to have multiple priorities. Priorities should always be tasks that might affect the timeline of the project. Sometimes multiples things may be affecting the timeline. It is important to focus on each of these issues. 

The real question is, does the project team have enough personnel to support the project? It is always nice to prioritize more items, but does the team have the time for this. If they are already focused on other activities, they might not have the bandwidth to support any extra work.

Posted : 24/04/2022 7:20 pm
Posts: 81
Trusted Member

Out of all the responses, no one mentioned how our senior capstone was a perfect example of where a single project can have multiple aspects/requirements which are each a priority for the final product. For my senior capstone project, my team and I developed a combination device with the intended application being for cancer screening. Therefore, everyone in the group took on a large responsibility of the project, with the biomechanics student focusing on fluid mechanics, the biomaterials student designing and developing the assays which would be integrated into our microfluidic device, and the bioinstrumentation student assembling the system of electronics which controlled our proposed technology. These priorities changed according to our project timeline so that we were not tackling everything all at once and created a plan to work efficiently.

Posted : 24/04/2022 10:53 pm
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