A project can encompass multiple priorities at a single time. Often times multiple priorities will meet at one larger goal, but the constituent tasks to achieve that goal are important and lengthy by themselves. In most cases the priorities will be closely related to one another albeit have different outcomes. Grouping multiple priorities into one project can be advantageous for budgeting and time restraint reasons by grouping tasks for few resources. However, increasing priorities within a single project can turn out poorly if there are delays and problems within the project progression timeline. This would lead to multiple deliverables not being met rather than a singular goal.
Projects should be structured to prioritize one goal at a time. Project timelines should have goals throughout its term, and structured in a way to address them one at a time. Therefore priority is given to one goal at a time. The project should not be stretched in different directions at once, as it could cause failures in different categories of the project. Allowing the project team to prioritize on one goal can allow better achievement of goals and development of the project.
it is important for a project team to force on multiple priorities especially a larger project. My previous job is to design a new gantry crane for a manufactory. its just not possible to just finish one task then move on to the next. if we do like this the project will every be finished. So the whole assembly will be divided into multiple sub-assembly systems and work on them parallel. until later phase then put all sub-assembly together.
It is possible for a project to have more than one priority. When starting a project there will be one overall goal to complete and then this goal is sectioned into different pieces to make it more manageable and allows for a team to take care of it. During this phase there are multiple teams working on different things at once to be able to combine their work and complete the overall goal. In this case their specific goal is seen as their priority allowing the overall project to complete multiple priorities during one project. And speaking whether it means adding more majority goals to the overall project, it can be possible, given the necessary resources to complete these tasks. The timeline would need to be discussed and resources would need to be allocated.