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Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate

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As we have all heard about six sigma either through Dr. Simon’s lecture or outside. Six sigma is a technique intended to improve business processes by reducing the probability of error or defect will occur. I would like to know everyone’s opinion or experience about Six Sigma.
Anyone who has six sigma green belt certificate how you utilize it? What are the job prospects having a six sigma certificate only or having a six sigma certificate with a degree?
What are the benefits of the six sigma certification? What are the failures for six sigma?
Kindly share your experience

Posted : 25/04/2017 11:20 am
Posts: 113
Estimable Member

I do not have a six sigma belt certificate but I have heard about it from employees and friends. A friend of mine was able to get a job as a Lean Manufacturing Engineer because they received a six sigma green belt. With the knowledge gained from taking a six sigma course my friend is able to decrease the time and increase production output on the production floor by knowing how to organize each section of the division. With this certificate you open the doors to becoming a project engineer, data scientist and etc. Benefits of having an employee that knows six sigma can help improve customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, employee satisfaction and can help gain better partnerships. A six sigma green belt certificate differentiates you from any other candidate because you learn ways to make good business decisions by using analytical skills.
If six sigma is not implemented within the business strategy or objectives then the likelihood of failure is high. If executives are not engaged in the process then the employees will not be and therefore the values learned from a six sigma certificate are useless.


Posted : 25/04/2017 4:27 pm
Posts: 31
Eminent Member

I also do not have any Six Sigma Belt Certifications as my only knowledge of it is from this course, a quality course from my undergraduate, and a Manufacturing course I am currently taking. I do have a colleague that graduated as a Mechanical Engineer, and just got the job title as a "Process Engineer." I'm not sure for what company, however I do remember speaking with him and he said that the company is requiring for him to pass a specific Six Sigma Belt Certification within a year, otherwise they would rescind his employment from the company. This was just a casual conversation, and I'm not sure if these terms were as drastic as they sound. However, from my understanding from classes I've taken over my time at NJIT, it seems any proficiency in six sigma would lead to many jobs heaving to deal with quality. I also know there are many different levels of six sigma, such as the yellow belt, green belt as you stated, and the black belt for example. I would assume the higher tier, would lead to more experienced job positions in quality and manufacturing. The way I see it is having either a lower tier belt such as the yellow belt or green belt is a definite plus, especially for most of us just recently graduated with little to no job experience. Your resume will definitely stand out to employers as having some proficiency or understanding of six sigma will look good. Having that coupled with a degree gives you leg up in your competition.

Posted : 26/04/2017 5:31 am
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

From interning at Zimmer, I received a Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification. This wasn't through ASQ (American Society for Quality), but it was through the company. So an ASQ certification is the official certification given to you by an organization. To get a yellow belt, I took a course on six sigma - learning the ins and outs of the DMAIC process (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) and basically what is done in each step. Then I was put on a project where I helped out in the process. After successful completion of the project, I was given a Yellow Belt certification. As an intern, I also tried to get a green belt certification. This involved me taking a course again but this was in much more depth. I also had a project where I was looking into the root cause of a defect affecting parts worth up to $30,000. And so I had to go through the entire process again, use a lot more statistics, and come up with a solution. I had implemented a solution to the issue and it should have solved the problem, but my internship ended before I could do the 'control' phase where I monitor the results. I kept in touch with my co-workers who told me they were seeing a tremendous decrease in scraps because of my solution - but I never got my green belt certification.

The certifications are a great thing to have. One, it shows that you're a problem solver. You are given a complex problem where you have to start from nothing and propose a solution that will save the company a lot of money. Two, it shows that you can handle failure and still overcome obstacles. I can't tell you how many times I failed in my project and had to come up with another solution. Honestly when you're working in the industry, there are no drawbacks to getting a Six Sigma certification. A lot of the times the company will pay for your course - you're just doing a project in conjunction with your other work. The higher your certification the more money you generally get. It goes: Yellow, Green, Black, Master Black

Posted : 28/04/2017 9:47 am
Posts: 41
Eminent Member

The primary associated is finished back a relinquished completed two weeks of preparing and passes the excusing exam. This associated is named Blooming Belt, which shows all the capital techniques. The class for the Blooming Belt includes DMAIC, which remains for swarms drive stages: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. It characterizes clients, their requirements, suggested articles and administrations, the arrangement restricted and intense activity breeze to progress acknowledged techniques. It gauges accomplishment by creating and increase abstracts from rich sources and explanatory it for blemishes by contrasting it and reviews. The Analyzing appearance connects the break in the midst of present strategies and focused on results. Enhancing date works out grouped answers for rethink the in advance procedures and conveys fulfilling plans. The Control date instructs how to propel the new changes that acknowledge been outsider and propel the testimony and side by side frameworks as per the objectives.

Posted : 29/04/2017 8:10 am
Posts: 76
Trusted Member

Six Sigma certifications are intended to demonstrate that you have the capability of handling complex projects and the problems that may arise while working on them. Through my company I recently registered for lean six sigma yellow belt course, and based off the overview of the course it deals with waste reduction and time management in better completing projects. After completing the course we are required to take on a project within the company and if successfully completed we would be certified in yellow belt. As you move up the ladder there are more complex techniques, as yellow belt only demonstrates awareness of the core principles. There are also written tests associated with the other certifications and overall it is a good idea to go through the training, however not all companies do utilize or require this process. In my opinion it is good to have as you learn different techniques that are utilized within industry and it can be advantage when applying for different positions.

Posted : 29/04/2017 10:31 am
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

A Six Sigma affirmation is an accreditation course that is very well known these days and many people are going for it. It seems that it has lot of weightage in anyone's resume as it demonstrates one's capacity and readiness to improve. It is considered very helpful in enhancing one's abilities and business discernment. It is not important to know everything in a particular field, but the readiness to take in as much as possible must be present. This disposition is reflected when one has the Six Sigma certification, and it makes any individual stand out. But getting a Six Sigma certification is not an easy task. It requires a ton of exertion, diligent work and time to get one. Since, most of the organizations know this and that is why they give preference to applicants who have invested their time in this. Simply, showing the decision to get the accreditation enhances one's occupational prospects.

Posted : 29/04/2017 4:47 pm
Posts: 79
Trusted Member

Having recently earned my Six Sigma green belt from IISE (Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers), I can say that my initial impression is that it is a very useful skill to have in industry. Six Sigma centers around DMAIIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, implement, control) as Hiren Rana previously touched upon, which are the basic steps to lessening the the variation of a process. As a greenbelt holder in Six Sigma, the general involvement is the getting involved with system improvement in an industrial setting as part time work alongside their full time job (working under the supervision of a Black Belt). Black Belt and master black belts normally specialize exclusively in Six Sigma process improvement activities as their full time careers and are more extensively trained in Six Sigma (100+ hours more class time).

One of the disadvantages of Six Sigma is that of over implementation (obsession) to a fault. This involves too tightly controlling a company’s creative processes caused by a resulting bureaucracy environment. In addition, a company can overemphasize this process to create a process with so little variation but at an exponentially higher cost. A more cost effective alternative would have been to allow for slightly more variation at a drastically reduced cost. In fact Six Sigma recognizes this flaw and devotes a chapter to analyzing to what degree a process should be controlled before it becomes no longer worth it to the company.

Posted : 30/04/2017 10:43 am
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

I have a Six Sigma Green Belt from my former employer. I also have a Certified Quality Auditor and Certified Quality Engineer. I work as a quality engineer and those are the most requested certifications in my field (At my curret level a SS Black Belt is often requested). I currently work in a role supporting external and contract manufacturing for my company. I find that the tools I learned in green belt training are very useful in my day to day work. I am required to support CAPAs and root cause investigations at my suppliers. Often these smaller companies do not have as many people with six sigma knowledge. I can support them by introducing the analysis and measurement tools learned during the green belt training. Hopefully in a few years I will be able to take black belt training to earn that last certification.

Posted : 16/04/2018 8:01 am