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Why do people work?

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I like many others on this chain am not surprised by the results of this study. I find that throughout my experience, many people enjoy their work if they get along with their co-workers. People could hate what they do every day, but they will stay if they have close friends. Working is extremely social, and if you work with a good group of people, you will stay motivated. I am also not surprised about the number one motivation: challenging and engaging work. I find that if I am working on a project that makes me think but is not so challenging that I am completely overwhelmed, I produce the highest quality of work. I enjoy challenging myself, as well as being given challenges by my boss. In the lecture, they also talk about praise being the number one reason people leave a job and I can also agree with that. When someone verbally acknowledges the work that is completed and gives validation, it goes a long way and makes someone more likely to come back and want to do a good job. When I hopefully one day lead a team, this is something I plan to do to make everyone feel valued. Is there anything else specific that people took away from this lecture?  

Posted : 19/04/2022 5:15 pm
Posts: 59
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These results actually make so much sense. I'm someone who rejected a six fig job because I didn't like that type of work and was willing to take the pay cut to be happier with what I do in my day-to-day life. I'm also someone who quit a job because of a coworker who was so toxic and HR knew he was a nuisance and did nothing to straighten him out. So, these results aren't anything eye-popping. You need to feel challenged to exercise your creativity and stay motivated and need to have a bar set high to evolve and continue to bring it day in and day out. What motivates me to work is knowing what I'm doing actually makes a difference and I can feel proud of what I do when someone asks me about it. Being an engineer wasn't enough for me when I worked at a defense company which is why I came back to get my masters in BME. I wanted to feel that excitement and challenge at work to stay motivated and at the same time was looking for that perfect fit to grow and develop. So again, this study actually makes plenty of sense, especially when referring to BME.  

Posted : 20/04/2022 1:43 am
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I'm not very surprised by the reasons that motivate people. The factors that are mentioned make a lot of sense to keep people happy and trying their best in the work that they do. For me personally, I work because I enjoy being challenged (like 48% of people also responded). I also like doing cool things and using my engineering problem solving skills to answer questions that don't have definite answers. In my brief time working, I've realized that many people only work in order to earn a living and that they don't enjoy what they do, which seems very hard. I think enjoying what you do and having the motivation to go to work everyday are very connected and an integral part of enjoying your life.




Posted : 20/04/2022 2:02 pm
Posts: 79
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The results of this study do not seem to be very surprising for someone who is just entering the workforce except for that last statistic. I would have thought the number would be higher for people that want to keep working for their company due to the meaningful work and making a difference in what they do. It might come down to many people never really having the opportunity to do what they truly desire and they might always be on the lookout for their dream job but seeing as less than 1 out every 5 people are staying not having to do with meaningful work was very interesting. On the other hand, it seems like having exciting and challenging work as well as career growth and development are the two biggest reasons why people stay with the company they are at. These are very good reasons to stay and will give people a sense of fulfillment especially when the hard work they put in is being paid off in the long run. A company that is able to make sure their employees are satisfied with their work and the overall balance between the people and the managers can help retain employees' longevity and can lead to greater quality work coming from them.

Posted : 24/04/2022 1:03 pm
Posts: 76
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These results are not that surprising to me, even as someone that is new to working in the biomedical field. This is because in a field like ours, there is always something new to discover and things to improve. The prospect of being part of one of the first groups of people to work on a revolutionary new device that can change the medical/biomedical industry in a massive way is incredibly enticing. For example, while cancer research is definitely challenging, the idea that a person can be part of the group to discover the cure is a big driving force that drives them to that field and motivates them on a daily basis. 

Looking at human nature as a whole, a person inherently does not want to work but due to the way our societal structure works, they need to. As a result, if they have no choice but to work in order to survive, they might as well work in a field that offers them opportunities to do something new on a somewhat regular basis as well as offer opportunities to grow your knowledge and expertise while earning more money. Working a job where the routine is the exact same on a daily basis with no room to advance yourself of our earnings is much more boring and mundane and makes working much worse because there is no excitement in positions like those.

Posted : 24/04/2022 4:25 pm
Posts: 60
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I think many people choose the medical device industry, as it often entails exciting and challenging work. Being able to work with products that improve people's quality of life is an extremely motivating factor. I found this week's lecture interesting, as Dr. Simone not only discussed what makes people leave a company, but what makes them stay. More pay will not always be able to retain employees. There must be a sense of reward for the work that is being done.


Posted : 24/04/2022 7:15 pm
Posts: 78
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Personally, the reason why I chose to work for the company that I work for was due to meaningful work and the endless career growth and opportunities. Once I began working, the work was certainly exciting and challenging, which increased my motivation to work. Along the way, I was able to build meaningful relationships with coworkers, supervisors, directors and PhDs that value me as an employee and a friend. In addition to all these great qualities, fair pay and the benefits almost feel like a bonus. Honestly, I am surprised that the results weren't more consistent across the board. The meaningful work was my main driving force for even wanting a position within the company. After being with the company for over two years now, I can say that all things mentioned hold true and have continuously kept me motivated throughout my employment. 

Posted : 24/04/2022 9:36 pm
Posts: 79
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I was surprised that fair pay was lower on the list. Although I do believe that career advancement can lead to fair pay. Personally, my main motivator is career advancement and personal development. It is important to have a goal to work towards while working at a company. Moving up in the company and taking on new and additional responsibilities is crucial for self development. This is especially helpful when you find a company that you really enjoy working at, whether its due to the coworkers or the company culture and mission. 

Posted : 24/04/2022 10:03 pm
Posts: 32
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Most of research works on a prestige system where your studies are used to get more grants to fund further studies. Many people who get into research are probably looking to be challenged and recognized, while working for people who are great. The result of the survey does not surprise me as one of the reasons why I was initially was inclined on wanting to work in a lab was to learn from people who knew a lot more than me. It also stopped me from getting bored with the work as it continuously kept me engaged since there is always something to improve or learn from.

Posted : 24/04/2022 10:08 pm
Posts: 78
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The results of the study are consistent with other studies that have been conducted in the past, which suggest that employees are motivated by factors such as challenging work, career growth, and working with great people. However, the relative importance of these factors may vary depending on the employee's personal values, needs, and goals. It's not surprising that the top motivators for employees are related to their work's content and context, such as the nature of their tasks, the opportunities for growth, and the relationships with their colleagues and supervisors. These factors have been found to be critical in fostering engagement, job satisfaction, and retention. Personally, I would not enjoy my job thoroughly if it was not related to my interests. Furthermore, the world is run by money and a majority of employees would not be satisfied with their work if they did not receive fair/good pay.

Posted : 17/04/2023 2:22 pm
Posts: 39
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I think these results have significantly changed since the study. I remember at some point in the lecture videos, the professor mentioned unemployment was around 10%. This indicates that the lecture was made near the 2008 recession. Yes, people had to stick with whatever job they could have, because it was unlikely that they would be rehired anytime soon. However, in today's economy, the unemployment rate is at a record low. Ignoring the clear signs of recession that could easily change this status, I believe that exciting and challenging work as a whole category is unlikely the major motivator. I have noticed significant increases in employee dissatisfaction due to major disruptions such as COVID, remote work, and inflation. Fair pay is likely the greatest motivator if the study were to be redone today, due to the clear increase in financial hardships. Another factor I believe would be much higher today would be meaningful work/make a difference. In the past few years, people have been much more ideologically focused and are imparting their values onto their jobs and some companies have been changing their work environment to reflect that. Although ideals don't equate to meaningful work/make a difference, it's the closest category and I can imagine people viewing a relatable work environment as something to aspire to in a job.

Posted : 17/04/2023 4:29 pm
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

The results of the study that was referenced is not too surprising. At the top we have exciting and challenging at 48%, career growth and development at 43%, and working with great people at 42%, which is not surprising. I think it is crucial to be in a good environment with good projects and colleagues. People also want to feel challenged and engaged in their work and have some opportunities for professional growth, while working with people they respect and enjoy being around coworkers. It is difficult to show up to a place everyday and hate the work that is being done and the people around you. You end up becoming very resentful and that would also affect your performance. I am a little surprised about fair pay at 32% and benefits at 22%. I believe that financial stability is important and being compensated for the work being done is crucial. Another surprising percentage is benefits. Benefits include health insurance, vacation days, and retirement plans. These benefits provide overall job satisfaction and can provide a sense of fulfillment.

Posted : 17/04/2023 11:22 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

These results are not surprising because of the way corporations work. Many people are motivated by challenging work that has good career growth prospects and great pay because that’s what people need to live comfortably in our society. Fair pay, working with great people, career growth, etc., all come when you are able to acquire higher work positions, and when people get to these positions, the work seems worth their hard work. Because it allows them to lead a very comfortable life. Most people don’t care about doing meaningful work because it’s unrealistic for work to be meaningful and come with all the benefits a regular corporate job would. Pursuing meaningful work while trying to live in a society requires privilege that a regular corporate employee cannot afford. In addition, ‘meaningful work’ is subjective and can differ from one person to another. Someone may find working in developing countries meaningful, while another person may find a job with flexible hours/location meaningful because that’s what allows them to live how they want. In addition, employees who do meaningful or impactful work, such as research, are severely underfunded and underpaid. My motivation to work is to challenge myself and push my boundaries as to what I can accomplish.

Posted : 23/04/2023 7:40 pm
Posts: 61
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A good motivator for me is fair pay, which resembles the responsibilities you need to take care of in the company. The more responsibilities you are in charge of, the more money they need to pay you. Also, personal and professional growth takes immense importance in work performance. It is important to say that the work environment is a plus too. If you are happy working with people that contribute to a positive atmosphere at work, then the job becomes easier to perform. The results of that study are not a surprise to me, people find stability in their lives by having a job where they can make a difference to the world while getting paid. If one factor is not reached, then the job environment becomes troubled and people find discomfort; therefore, they start looking for a new job. 

Posted : 25/04/2023 6:45 am
Posts: 78
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These results don't really surprise me because when I look over them and reflect on myself, I can agree that these couple attributes would be important for me. Out of the results shown I would have to agree and say that the ‘exciting and challenging work’, ‘working with great people’ and being ‘recognized/valued or respected’ would be key motivators for me when I work. Having exciting and challenging work would allow there to never be a dull moment. In most situations, constant repetition can be tiring and can be draining. After a while it can make heading to work a bit boring without some excitement so challenges and exciting work would be a priority. Working with great people is also a great motivator because even if a job is difficult or very time consuming, the people around you could be the ‘make it or break it’ point. They could make the assignments and tasks manageable because the environment is friendly and there would be the air that each person can rely on each other. And finally being recognized/valued and respected is a very important factor for me personally. It is very disheartening to work hard every time at work and there is little to no recognition. It makes the person feel like another cog in a machine of a company. So having some value and being respected can help to ensure that people are appreciated for their work.

Posted : 25/04/2023 9:34 pm
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