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Importance of Logging Work

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Working on my capstone project this year, logging in work has been crucial to our success. The project involves both hardware and software that need to work together in order to function. Therefore, the group members working on software must keep an accurate log of what they are doing in order for the group members working on hardware to be able to produce what is needed for the software to run. Likewise, the groups working on hardware have to log what they are doing in order for the members working on software to be able to know what they have to do next time they are in the lab. Without logging our work I honestly do not think that they group would be as successful as we are.

Posted : 09/03/2019 10:18 am
Posts: 72
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According to me, logging at work has proven to be very effective and save the struggle when any issue occurs. For me, keeping a detailed log of work helps you to produce an intended result in any projects by keeping track of what you have done, the amount of time that it took to do it, and anything that came up in the process of work. It can also give you an idea of potential time for the next similar project and how to do it as well. As I have mentioned earlier, keeping a log at work for me has proven very effective and it was an eye opening experience to track my work and something that I would like to continue to do in order to help in my work effectiveness.

Posted : 10/03/2019 11:57 am
Posts: 39
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Logging work is the most important phase in the project or either in work place. Back when I used to work with Medtronic, Employees were made to make the service and maintenance report for the breakdown calls of the machine. The report itself help to solve the future problem if occurs. If a machine shows same problem repeatedly then either that model gets stopped or else it's get upgraded. This is how logging work takes a crucial role.

Posted : 10/03/2019 2:54 pm
Posts: 61
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I sort of had a similar experience in Capstone as my group had to keep a detailed log of everything that was working out for us and more important what was not working. Our advisor let us find out for ourselves instead of telling us when she knew something would fail and so we went through many design changes throughout the project. In the end we needed to prepare Work Instructions which would closely detail every step of our manufacturing process of our product. This procedure needed to include define temperature and time ranges for certain processes and also materials to be used for different components. Since we would cease working on the project at the end of the semester our advisor wanted this procedure so that she could continue working on the project and incorporate it into her research. She could use it as a guide of what not to do when recreating our product at a different scale. If we did not keep a detailed record of our failed attempts then she could end up wasting even more time and money on designs that would inevitably fail.

Posted : 10/03/2019 5:06 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Logging work is beyond important. In my company, we also write a lot of scripts so it's very helpful to keep documentation on how to use each script. We also have to keep track of certain things we tested and how we tested them. We have to keep a detailed record in case someone new joins the project/team they would be able to pick it up quickly. One time I was instructed to perform tests on a certain design study. I kept a record of all the tests I ran and what the purpose of each test was (basically what was going on in my mind when I ran the test). I was later on asked to provide a powerpoint brief explaining the whole process and the logic behind it. Without the logging I did for the 10 or 15 tests performed, I would've been completely lost when working on the powerpoint. I would've also not been able to communicate my findings clearly and retracing my steps would've been almost impossible.

Posted : 10/03/2019 5:43 pm
Posts: 81
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In one of my previous positions, I and a team of other people had to create a tool that would basically verify Bill of Material data and compare it to new product code Bill of Material data, all done semi-automatically. We already had a base version of the tool that would need to go through the change control process, so every time we found something to add or features that were requested which were critical, we would write them down in a shared document. Once a sizable list was made, we would go one by one implementing the changes/new features. Keeping this list was greatly helpful for us as at one point after the new revision of the tool had been sent out, a user found an error in one of the data streams there. When they were explaining the error, we could not pinpoint exactly what they were talking about off the top of our heads, but once we went back to that document that had all of the implemented changes, we were able to see what had gone wrong and remediated it quickly. If we had not made a log of all of the changes that we had made, it would have been a difficult and time consuming process to go through the tool and figure out where we had gone wrong. A little bit of documentation definitely goes a long way.

Posted : 10/03/2019 5:48 pm
Posts: 76
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In my senior design for my undergrad, I found it very useful to log every single detail in my work. This includes writing tasks to be done, what was done, when and how. I was recording all meetings, and taking different videos of the main parts of the experiment. Since I was the group leader, I had to report all the work done to our advisor. It saved me a lot of time at the end of each semester and made it easier for me to write the final report with all the useful details as was keeping track of all work done throughout the semester. This was not only beneficial for us a group, also for the professor, because at the end, he asked me to create a video that summarizes all the work done so far, so that he can show it to the following group and they will understand the goals done and the overall concept of the project better.

Posted : 10/03/2019 6:03 pm
Posts: 77
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Logging works is very important because it helps keeps track on what is happening and who was responsible for what has been done. I remember in my capstone class, when my group and I were creating an electrospun mat we had record the skip procedure in how to create the solution for electrospinning. We had to record the voltage flow rate that we performed in creating the mat and the test procedures and result from our test plans. Logs are valuable tools because they can also be used for proof of the person who has took part in task or preparation. Logs will should who has put effort and who has not because everyone will know who has done what and how it was done?

Posted : 10/03/2019 6:04 pm
Posts: 76
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Logging my work has helped in many occasions. I think it's come the most handy in research settings. I've been a research assistant for about 2.5 years now and have been working on the same project which is now being written into a paper. In order to put the paper together I need the details of all the experiments that were done, and the results. Logging all the methods, procedures, and dates of when everything was done has helped immensely in putting all of this together. In some cases I even regret not being more organized about the way I log some of the lab experiments because it really makes your life easier in the long run. It helps with traceability which is not only important in the research setting but in industry as well.

Posted : 10/03/2019 6:49 pm
Posts: 78
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Logging of working is important and has been helpful in many of my projects as it helps to understand and learn from the mistakes you encounter while working on a project. It helps to keep a track of the work being done on the project which could be beneficial later in the future. It helped me include a lot of the work that was done to be included in the final project reports about which I had forgotten towards the end of the project. It helped to keep a track of experiments performed and sometimes when the same procedure had to be followed with different data it was much easier to get the results without much trouble.

Posted : 17/03/2019 4:05 pm
Posts: 64
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I would like to add my input on this topic, but it has to do with my experience NOT having a log of work to go off of. After starting my first job in the industry, I quickly learned each day how much I would need to pick up on in order to effectively do my job. And it was a lot. Much of my work is shared among the rest of my team so I would watch and observe as closely as possible to learn; however, being provided a log of procedures and workflows to handle the tasks I am expected to take on would have helped me tremendously. Both my manager and I came to this realization early on and we actually began publishing clear instruction pages on several workflows on an online forum we use within our team. Each day, we become more and more productive and work smarter, not harder, by spending time to incorporate tools such as this.

Posted : 17/03/2019 7:00 pm
Posts: 72
Trusted Member

Logging work is the most important phase in the project or either in work place. For me, keeping a detailed log of work helps you to produce an intended result in any projects by keeping track of what you have done, the amount of time that it took to do it, and anything that came up in the process of work. It can also give you an idea of potential time for the next similar project and how to do it as well. As I have mentioned earlier, keeping a log at work for me has proven very effective and it was an eye opening experience to track my work and something that I would like to continue to do in order to help in my work effectiveness.

Posted : 17/03/2019 7:00 pm
Posts: 109
Estimable Member

Logging work is essential for the progress of the project as it provides a mean to analyze the feasibility of the project within a timeframe. For my capstone project, my team opted to log every single details of the project. It was very helpful in situating our progress within the capstone milestone as well identifying possible setbacks and adjustments to be made as we moved along the process. Keeping a log book allows us to refer back to adjustments to better understand how we would tackle the project moving on.

Posted : 06/05/2019 11:48 am
Posts: 78
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In my field of work as a biomedical technician, it can be very useful to take notes and document my work throughout the day. I fix about ten devices a day and occasionally forget to dispense a repair part. Maintaining an accurate inventory is crucial for company expense control as it helps the company earn and maximize profit. Unfortunately, maintaining an accurate inventory is more difficult than it may seem.  With multiple technicians frequently using the same parts, it is inevitable for someone to forget to dispense a part.  The more technicians using the same part, the harder it is to find the culprit. This is why we encourage each other to carefully document our repairs by not only listing the parts that we use, but also checking them off as we dispense them. As soon as we notice a hiccup in our inventory, we immediately check our notes until the issue is resolved. Although it can be tedious at times, taking notes can remediate inventory issues ultimately increasing company success.

Posted : 23/02/2020 10:15 pm
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

Logging work is important because it keeps you and the other people on your team aware of what goes on in a daily basis. I usually keep track of my own projects in a personal planner and on a work calendar to keep myself updated of what tasks I have to accomplish the next day and what to report during meetings. My boss also keeps track of all of our tasks throughout the week so she can report our progress during her meetings, and it keeps us on a proper timeline of our projects. I entered a project halfway through the timeline and from other interns' and boss' longs, I was able to catch up and figure out how to navigate the project. 

Posted : 23/02/2020 11:21 pm
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