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How to run a risk management meeting ?

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In my opinion risk management meetings are successful when there is a full participation from all the members of the team. Brainstorming becomes easier and inputs from all the members helps consider the different risks which one might have not thought about. It is important to identify the risks for the many departments involved with the product from the pre-market phase to the design phase followed by the post-market phase. It is important to identify the severity and occurrence of the risks and analyze the root cause of the problem which is mostly achieved with the risk analyzing tool which is Fish-Bone diagram. 

Posted : 17/11/2019 7:49 pm
Posts: 77
Trusted Member

During risk management meetings, the project manager is in charge of facilitating the meeting and making sure that everyone's inputs are considered. The team will identify the risk, calculate the probability of a hazardous situation turning into harm, and assess the level/severity of harm. In addition to that, a risk management plan is formed and a risk management group is assigned. The methods of mitigating or eliminating risks, and the resources required to manage risk will also be discussed. As a result of this meeting, the company and team will decide if the project is worth pursuing after weighing the costs vs benefits. Costs include financial investment, risk of harm or failure, and the amount of time needed to properly analyze and reduce risk. The benefits are increased revenue, satisfying the market's demand, and positive public relations for the company releasing the product. 

Posted : 17/11/2019 8:25 pm
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

For starters, I believe it is important to first verify that every individual at the meeting is on the same page about what the project is and a basic idea of what it will entail. Following this, as a project manager, I will try to ensure that all participants are able to freely and comfortably express their thoughts. As for the meeting itself, I believe each risk should be first identified and then categorized in terms of factors such as severity through inputs by all participants. Then starting with the high risks, a list would be compiled through brainstorming about methods in which to mitigate the identified risks. When a list has been compiled, group feedback would be used to establish one method of mitigation that the participants believe would be most effective in reducing risk. With mitigation plans produced, they should be then created and tested to be presented at subsequent meetings on risk management. Overall, I believe the most important factor to ensure while running a risk management meeting is that individuals from various departments are also present and that everyone feels comfortable to share their thoughts on the subject matters at hand.

This post was modified 5 years ago 2 times by sameer-rana
Posted : 17/11/2019 8:31 pm
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

For risk management meeting you have to make sure that project members know for which device you guys are having meeting for and intended use and design of the device. Then you have to make sure to write down what the members saying about the device as you will use that as basis of your risk management. This method to determine the risk is called brainstorming. As you guys discus about your product you will be thinking about the risks so this can be the first step to figuring out what the risk is and how it can be avoided or mitigated.

You also have to make sure that every one in the group agrees to making minor or major changes to the design of the device to make it more safer.

This post was modified 5 years ago by darshannayee
Posted : 17/11/2019 8:42 pm
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

I believe it is important to have each department send a representative to the meeting. That way when brainstorming and finding risk it will be a lot more efficient and effective.  That way the project manager is able to have a very broad and detailed view of potential risks that may emerge. In addition, it is way better to discuss the minimal risk as well since it important to expect before the start of the manufacturing or designing phase. The earlier the risks are found the easier and less time consuming it is to mitigate it. In addition, the risk management process should be a dynamic and active task for all the participating departments since risk can emerge at any given time during the design process. In addition, having customers or other industry experts to participate in this meeting does add significantly towards finding risks. 

Posted : 17/11/2019 11:40 pm
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

A risk review meeting can take 2-3 hours from start to finish, and having the right kind of conversation upfront before a project begins can make or break the success of the project. These are some steps to consider when conducting a risk review meeting. 

1.  Decide on your process
2.  Get to know your stakeholders
3.  Choose your risk management toolkit
4.  Start risk identification
5.  Coach for risk action planning
6.  Begin a second round of risk identification
7.  Run a second risk review board
8.  Encourage reflection
9.  Develop a long-term plan

Posted : 08/08/2022 9:20 pm
Posts: 17
Active Member

Risk management meetings support a project team in identifying, preparing for, and minimizing potential risks. Assessing risks is important for initial project planning, but should also occur regularly throughout the life of the product. The meeting should consist of identifying previous, current, and future risks. This can be done by project participants brainstorming and discussing amongst one another or by other techniques. Determine the level of risk by discussing the severity and the probability. It is also important to determine ways to minimize or avoid these risks as well.

Posted : 11/08/2022 2:34 pm
Posts: 18
Active Member

While I am not a project manager, I am involved in a biotechnology start-up company as a lab technician that often single-handedly handles the delegations of in-lab events. These events include the blow-by-blow daily occurrences and lab responsibilities. Risk management meetings such as Quality Assurance review meetings, and standard laboratory meetings to ensure everyone is up to date on all aspects of production encompasses risk management. Risks associated with a laboratory include inspections, conflicts of interest among employees working different jobs, and patient rapport issues derived from the speed and accuracy of results. These issues are constantly discussed and modified to improve customer relations and lab efficacy.

Posted : 12/08/2022 7:37 am
Posts: 78
Estimable Member

As others have mentioned, I would begin by sending out the project ahead of time so they can begin reviewing the product. I would include as many different people as possible from the project because the more people, the more perspectives you have; this will give you the most complete risk analysis. I would do something different, however, I would use post-it notes and do the risk analysis as I have seen people rank different ideas in a SCRUM class. I would let everyone put down as many risks as they can think of and put them on a wall or whiteboard. Then the whole team would work on categorizing them by moving all the similar risks into categories. This could also inspire new post-it notes and get everyone's ideas, not just the people that are always talking. It would consider all the team members from new to old, and then those risks can be categorized by whoever is leading the risk management aspect of the project. This would generate a report and can be redone with different people. Eventually, this can be looked at with upper management and they can decide if the project is worth the risk.

Posted : 15/11/2022 1:00 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

As we learned in the lesson, risk management covers every aspect of the product. These stages are pre-market, product realization and, post market. therefore, every stage should be taken into consideration while meeting for risk management. It should be taken into consideration what kind of problems may be encountered during the planning stage, which risks may be encountered during the product realization, and what problems may be encountered by the users after the product is put on the market. accordingly, a brainstorming should be carried out and the risks should be listed and then the risks should be evaluated. After these stages, it should be discussed how these risks can be eliminated or minimized. Since each department will have more experience in their own department, they should express their own experiences and researches in this meeting.

Posted : 16/11/2022 1:05 pm
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Risk management meetings should be held frequently. As mentioned in the lecture, these meetings start out as brainstorming sessions. I think this is a very productive stance as one needs to be very creative in evaluating the risk that could be associated with a product. Generating a risk management plan needs to include all potential risk and how to combat them. A meeting that is designed as a brainstorming session could provoke some of the most creative ideas towards the risk of a product. 

Posted : 12/04/2023 9:57 pm
Posts: 18
Active Member

Running a risk management meeting is a critical step in ensuring that potential risks are identified and mitigated in medical device development. To run an effective risk management meeting, it is important to establish clear goals and objectives, define the scope of the meeting, and ensure that all stakeholders are present. The meeting should be structured to encourage open communication and collaboration among team members. It is important to prioritize risks based on their impact and likelihood, and to establish a risk mitigation plan. Regular follow-up meetings can ensure that the mitigation plan is implemented effectively, and the risk management process is monitored continuously throughout the development process

Posted : 12/04/2023 10:07 pm
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