Last seen: Dec 4, 2022
A great place to look for information like this is For example, there is a current study investigating the effects of hMSC infusio...
I think this is a great point, I have had similar thoughts during my PhD course work as well. I like being involved on the research side of things but...
Both jobs can have a lot of overlap in knowledge I think. The difference is that marketing has a wider umbrella of tasks and skills that they may be r...
I feel like I could be very good at Meeting Services. Dr. Simon explained how this department takes care of trade shows. I feel like at a trade show, ...
I think that getting an MBA as an engineer is a waste of time, especially if you are actually a talented and smart engineer. Networking is the most im...
I think it would be good to start an S-Corp because of the legal protections in place. The partnerships seem like they could get messy on a personal l...
It is interesting that corporations are treated like people recently in the US. The historical precedent for this is relatively recent. The real probl...
I do not work in industry because I am still a graduate student, but as someone who TA's in BME courses, I can see very clearly which student have an ...
I agree with the responder above, that often the device being developed should have started with input from the potential customer. The development of...
I think that this is a classic government/bureaucratic loophole because if the Government had done anything differently, there would have been a massi...
Others in this thread have touched on this but I think that product development is more important. Obviously, both are vital and necessary, but that i...
@alexbryant-harden I think this is a great choice and I want to elaborate a little bit. The sterility of some product is obviously important because i...