Last seen: Apr 24, 2022
Other than what is stated above penalizing any one is just going to result in work environment where risks aren't taken and everything is done with mi...
I personally prefer a flow chart listing all the tasks and their dependencies. This helps me line up exactly what needs to be done. A Gannt chart is a...
I personally prefer a flow chart listing all the tasks and their dependencies. This helps me line up exactly what needs to be done. A Gannt chart is a...
One of the largest pain point for most medical devices is probably phase 2 trials since that is where efficacy is tested or phase 3 where safety and e...
Beyond funding the only acceptable intervention form a stakeholder would be the input regarding aesthetic design and marketing. It is not a good idea ...
For most projects this would not be a problem as many people can fill the role necessary. However if the member taking the vacation is an expert in an...
I still believe that for most part a company will only make vaccines if there is a profit to be made. Like mentioned above there are many facets of ri...
I only have experience in working in small groups but I prefer it since you know exactly what you are responsible for and what is expected of you. Fur...
As mentioned above a weekly check-in is probably the best way to make sure everyone is on the same page. Due to the number of responsibilities and int...
The main difference between the two is that the project life cycle begins even before the product is completely finalized and as for the product life ...
I don't necessarily agree with the Gannt chart, planning that far ahead with through details in mind is not only hard but sometimes outright impossibl...
I agree with @devdesai hands off approach is more preferable but there is a strong necessity to check-in and make sure that project deadlines are bein...
I think all the nine steps(Design and development planning, Design input, Design output, Design review, Design verification, Design validation, Design...
One key part of project management I have not seen being mentioned is the ability to assign people the roles in which they excel in. Of course this kn...
I would prefer to work in Post-market management because it serves a very important role of risk management. When a device is launched to market it is...