
Trusted Member
Joined: Sep 2, 2018
Topics: 0 / Replies: 77
RE: Overworked Americans vs. Motivation

To me overtime can be both a motivator or a demotivator. The reason being is that maybe people work overtime shifts for earning a few more bucks for s...

6 years ago
RE: Why do people leave work?

As other stated I do agree but there are many reason why people leave. Limited recognition and praise is one because people that work for a company fo...

6 years ago
RE: Let's Be Motivated!!!

I think motivation is important for every industry/ work environment. Some ways that project managers can promote motivation is have open communicatio...

6 years ago
RE: Engineer vs. Manager

I really would like working for an engineering role because I would like being the one that preform test engineering, fabricating, etc. but as of righ...

6 years ago
RE: Avoiding Tunnel Vision

I agree with everyone, tunnel vision isn't something that people should have because it will be limiting your option, it will prevent one to be creati...

6 years ago
RE: How was this class helpful

This course was very helpful because it helped with real life simulation experience. It slowly progressed harder as we tackled each simulation. The le...

6 years ago
RE: Changining staff

There should always be a backup plan if this situation every happens and I don't believe that someone can leave without month or two week notice. But ...

6 years ago
RE: QA vs QC

Both quality assurance and quality control ensure the safety. Quality Assurance focus on the planning process and how closely the project is following...

6 years ago
RE: Communication Management

I believe that communication has to be implemented to everyone but the project manager should enforce and create a safe environment for everyone to be...

6 years ago
RE: Factors affect schedule variance (SV)

As many stated, weather, missing member due to sickness, vacation, or personal problems, resource problems, and budget problems can cause affect sched...

6 years ago
RE: Which of the following project would you say is better and why

Both plans are good but I believe that when SV is neagative and cost variance is positive would be a better plan because you would be under budget. Th...

6 years ago
RE: Team Development

If an employee is absent due to vacation or personal problem then the project will be delayed if no planning was made prior to the employee leave. The...

6 years ago
RE: Factors affect schedule variance (SV)

Scheduled variance equals earned value minus planned value. If the planned value increase making the solution negative then the project is behind in s...

6 years ago
RE: planned value vs actual costs

Time is money and in order the project to run, money is involve. Monitoring and controlling phase will take time and there is a planned dates where a ...

6 years ago
RE: Monitoring & Controlling Techniques

There is not just one important technique, there are varieties. Project plan, Performance report, and change request are the main components in monito...

6 years ago
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