One factor this can easily boil down to is the amount of resources that a company has. Should the company have the time, manpower, and money to invest...
I can definitely understand why not getting enough praise or recognition might cause someone to leave their job. Human beings naturally want to feel a...
For me, one of the biggest motivators to work for me is the sense of satisfaction in the excellence of the work I have done. It brings me great satisf...
For myself, the three results that are listed that motivate me to work the most are having great people to work with, challenging work, and supportive...
I highly think this is due to the culture around work and the value system found in the workplace. Often times, the worth of an employee is measured b...
A project can definitely have more than one priority. However, in these projects, it is best to determine the order of those priorities (which one is ...
Ideally, all members of a project should be communicating with each other and the project manager. If that were not so, there would be no way for the ...
Unless I'm missing something here, according to the MiniSim, the AquaWhoa coating IS from another supplier: HyrdoSurf from Conmodic, AquaWhoa from AND...
jr377, I would have to disagree drawing from experience. There have been people who are on a project with me doing a certain task who, for various dif...
Asking all stakeholders to identify potential risks is quite important. As said before, different stakeholders from different parts of the stream offe...
I've had experience with vendors where during a manufacturing process validation they become uncooperative. In our case, we were trying to find all of...
I believe the best way to avoid scope creep is to define a scope and then stick to it. Any deviations should become new changes or projects separate f...
In the company that I work in, engineers would open up something called a Change Order (CO) within a project to allow space to create changes to what ...
I believe one of the most important techniques/activities in monitoring and closing is conducting Design Change Requests. It is in this process that d...
It is important to document the lessons learned during the course of a project. Documentations of decisions made or decisions/actions that would have ...