I agree with the point made earlier that manipulation and persuasion have some relation to each other, though manipulation tends to have a worse reput...
In terms of software, what I have noticed (and what I have seen on my own phone) is that the most common colors that have been used are blue, green, a...
For myself, I find that the commercials I enjoy the most are the ones that tell a good story. I think that when the commercial makes one feel good ins...
There are several differences between public companies and private ones. For one, as many mentioned, a public company is able to sell shares of the co...
I would likely take a partnership with someone only if our ideas and vision aligned completely. That alone is something hard to find. If you have a pa...
As many other people have echoed, I think in the beginning of one's career, especially right out of college, the type of company is not neccessarily t...
Having awareness of a risk does not necessarily guarantee that it will be averted. Going along with the analogy Dr. Simon mentioned, if getting the fo...
If a company strives to just make the standards of regulations, then it would follow that the product would not be of the best quality. Quality standa...
In response to the original post: Document controls can seem stringent at times, however if they seem so, it is for good reason. At times, because of ...
Precision and accuracy are both fundamental aspects of medical devices to not only the FDA but those developing the device as well. In order for a pro...
On the reverse side, one drug banned in other countries but not the US is Soma (carisoprodol). It's a muscle relaxant that treats pain and stiffness f...
Sometimes there are circumstances that you could not possibly account for when you are designing a product or reviewing it from the FDA standpoint. Wh...
In academia, one approach to research can often be starting a wide variety of projects that all interest you, seeing what has traction. Depending on w...
While using animals in trials can often be a dicey object, where the line is drawn in terms of what animals can be used is not so often a hard set one...
An argument for working in academia is one that was told to me by one of my advisors: "Working in academia let's you work on the cool stuff!" What she...