
Trusted Member
Joined: Sep 3, 2020
Last seen: May 1, 2021
Topics: 0 / Replies: 76
RE: Accepting job based on company.

Personally speaking, I have never really considered the health and financial stabilities of the companies I have applied too. As a student fresh out o...

4 years ago
RE: Relation of Quality with other department.

I think it is important to have a quality department that is comfortable and close with all other departments. Typically, there are some conflicts bet...

4 years ago
RE: Emerging technologies and QA

I believe that the implementation of emerging technologies into QA could be very useful for companies. It would allow for easier creation of QA proced...

4 years ago
RE: Quality Control and Quality Assurance + Ethics

I agree with Pedro to a certain degree. When it comes down to it, not following the proper quality protocols and procedures outlined would be consider...

4 years ago
RE: FDA rules too strict?

The FDA approval process is known to be very slow and this would beg the question if FDA regulations are overly strict. Personally, I agree that the F...

4 years ago
RE: Precision and Accuracy

Precision and accuracy would be vital in the creation of an effective medical device. The comparison between precision and accuracy can sometimes be a...

4 years ago
RE: Delay in Recall.

Recalls are essentially inevitable no matter what. This could be soon after the product was given the FDA approval or many years after the product has...

4 years ago
RE: Research for the Fututre or Now?

Personally, I would like to conduct research that has a more current effect. This would align more so with industry. However, it would not be surprisi...

4 years ago
RE: This vs That

Obviously, there can be cases made for doing research in either academia or industry. In the lab that I am currently working at, my professor is techn...

4 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Biomaterial Selection

Biomaterial selection must be given careful consideration when it comes to project management. Like others have said, the material one selects could a...

4 years ago
RE: Obstacles while working on a project

In every project, there is always going to be so much that could go wrong. From the initial planning phase, to actually executing the project tasks, m...

4 years ago
RE: How do you identify or become a good project manager?

Like many before me, I agree that in order to be a good project manager, you must master some vital soft skills. These soft skills include good commun...

4 years ago
RE: Due Diligence

I agree that questioning as much as you can in the initiation phase is a good practice. Although, I do not have any project management experience with...

4 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Practical vs. Informational courses

I agree with some others who claim that the ratio of practical to informational courses should be dependent on the goals of the student. Obviously, if...

5 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Academia vs. Industry

As stated by others before me, the debate between academia versus industry simply comes down to personal preference. There are plenty of advantages an...

5 years ago
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