
Trusted Member
Joined: Sep 3, 2021
Last seen: May 2, 2022
Topics: 0 / Replies: 78
RE: 80% margin

I would generally disagree with restricting what a private company (independent of the government) could charge for its products. It is the companies ...

3 years ago
RE: Engineers in Public vs Private Companies

I believe your average engineer does not need to worry about a company being either public or private in their work. In theory, much of the work at bo...

3 years ago
RE: Can Companies Invest in Stock Market?

In short, yes. Starting in 1886 with Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Rail Road and about a half dozen United States Supreme Court decisions ove...

3 years ago
RE: Careers in Quality Management

I can see myself working in the QA/QC process. I think the requirements for such a role should not be that stringent. Often times biomedical engineers...

3 years ago
RE: Perception of QA/QC

Without a doubt QA/QC is the most important aspect of the medical device development process. Of course, there would be no quality control if there is...

3 years ago
RE: What are some ways Document Control can improve?

I would believe the first step is to have a centralized system for all control documents. As a company grows, some divisions update their internal pro...

3 years ago
RE: The Timing of Approving Medical Devices

As some have said before me, I don't believe we should "speed up" the approval process. I am sure there are areas which can be done more efficiently a...

3 years ago
RE: Precision and Accuracy

Precision and accuracy are essentially different ways of saying effective and safe. When something is precise you achieve a more predictable result. I...

3 years ago
RE: 510K is Nonsense

I feel in principle the 510k approval process makes a lot of sense. If you want to improve upon an existing device that has already shown to be safe a...

3 years ago
RE: Ethics of Animal Testing

I don't believe it is unethical to test on animals. With that said, the testing being performed on animals must be fully thought out and made with goo...

3 years ago
RE: Research for the Fututre or Now?

I would prefer my research to have a direct impact in my lifetime, more so to "see the fruits of my labor". However, I believe more often than not any...

3 years ago
RE: Cutting Corners in Research

I believe it would incredibly dangerous to cut corners in research and then use poor results to then sell a product. It is counter-intuitive to compri...

3 years ago
RE: Project Management in the Age of Covid-19

I believe that the transition to a virtual environment has improved project communication. While some aspects of virtual work have existed prior to CO...

3 years ago
RE: Task slack and Project slack

I believe one of the best ways to estimate task duration is to find a similar project that accomplished the same goal to understand that if the condit...

3 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Project Management in a medical device setting

Challenges in project management for medical devices would be the rules outlined by regulatory bodies. Many people have mentioned that the FDA imposes...

3 years ago
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