
Trusted Member
Joined: Sep 8, 2017
Topics: 0 / Replies: 61
RE: Discussion Topic: Verification vs. Validation

Verification = Inputs = Outputs Verification is completed after DAD and RA, this document shows the tests that were created for each specification or ...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Is the DHF a living document?

From my experience in working in the industry, the DHF i believe should be a living document along with the DMR. I can understand that the DHF is a hi...

7 years ago
RE: Guidance Documents

Essentially MEDDEV, NB-MED, and Competent Authority Guidance Documents all have their uses and advantages. However, considering the process of NB-MED ...

7 years ago
RE: Combination Products in EU

As mentioned be other fellow commentators, combinational medical device are much difficult to classify for those in the Notified Bodies, this is becau...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Easier regulatory in EU?

From my experience, the company that i work for proceeded with releasing their medical device which is a vision testing device for diagnosis and early...

7 years ago
RE: Legal Contracts

Currently i do not have any experience when it comes to the legal area. I agree with Dr. Simon's recommendation on organizing a plan when meeting with...

7 years ago
RE: Marketing Strategy- The fifth 'P'

Participation as mentioned by srg36, it is important for a company's marketing strategy in the sense that it creates a welcoming feeling for new custo...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Your Field or Profession

Currently I am working in a medical device company that focuses on vision electrophysiology. The overall purpose of these vision testing systems is to...

7 years ago
RE: Written Agreement v/s Verbal Agreement

Verbal agreements are usually not used or in this case highly not recommended, this is because in the legal world, if it isn't written down and notari...

7 years ago
RE: Restrictions for physician's gifts

Policies like those restricting to provide certain payed services to physicians for example is important to understand why they are established and pr...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Course conclusion and impressions

Overall the course was very informative and provided insight on the jobs available in the medical device industry. My current interest is to work in R...

7 years ago
RE: Forming a Project Team

Working with certain people that you have a good relationship is always a good thing to have when it comes to getting work done and brainstorming idea...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Your organizational type

Currently, I work in a functional organization structure. I am part of the Engineering department when I report to VP of engineering and I am part of ...

7 years ago
RE: Manage Risk

I believe the following is what should be followed: 1) Low Severity Hazards: Should be mitigated but it can also be considered trivial or negligible,...

7 years ago
RE: Risk Management Mistakes

I agree that Risk Management should be considered a living document to help a company document and keep track of their product post production. There ...

7 years ago
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