Last seen: Apr 15, 2024
Stakeholder engagement is critical to the successful completion of a clinical trial and maintaining lines of communication is essential between groups...
I was honestly surprised to see that monetary compensation was not a top three reason as to why people stay or leave their jobs (based on the Career S...
Whenever I am thinking about how a clinical trial would be carried out, I try to remind myself that one would effectively need an entire clinical inst...
I think that smaller companies don't intentionally overlook quality control; however, we've seen in this course that quality control planning requires...
Team building projects/activities can be a great opportunity for co-coworkers to interact outside of the workplace and to learn how to navigate differ...
I think the PM needs to adjust the level of flexibility for each scenario. For example, a PM may need to be more lenient with younger employees that d...
Maintaining team dynamics and professional relationships in the workplace is a reality of many project managers. The primary goal of a PM is to ensure...
I think that industry and academic settings both prioritize patent protection and security of their technologies; however, academia does have a more c...
This is an interesting point and it wasn't completely clear. However, I think in larger/more established organizations naturally have short-term goals...
Overall, I think many projects are unsuccessful and this course has really helped highlight all of the intricacies, knowledge, and skills that are nee...
At a non-profit I used to work at, the mode of communication was different when I came from the greater organization and specifically from my team's l...
This is an interesting topic and probably one of the most important. Facilitating compromise in the workplace is an invaluable skill and knowing how t...
I think that the appropriate number of PMs for a project should be relative to the project size. You don't want too many PMs, where there is an overla...
I can definitely recount several instances where projects were delayed due to underestimating task duration and lead-time for resource acquisition. Th...