Persistence is important with unresponsive team members or even sometimes with the PM themselves. In a capstone project I participated in, with the ou...
One possible way to save time and effort is to approach FactoSet in regards to validity testing. The company that developed the growth factor most lik...
Any unethical practices should be avoided from a design standpoint. However, if a project does find itself in a situation like you have outlined the r...
I don't think this situation will occur in any meaningful frequency. Most hospitals or physicians will only have FDA approved products on hand and tho...
In response to the questionable services provided by acupuncturists in addition to their regular service, I feel this is acceptable provided that thei...
I believe there is more scrutiny in the pharmaceutical industry simply because it is a much larger industry. This means many more companies with many...
I agree with aij5. The novel portion of this particular product is the sensor and reporting aspect, the drug is already an approved product. If the de...
Proper planing and deciding release schedules for different regions should be considered, but the major goal in developing a commercial product is to ...
Currently, there is a major issue involving the overuse of opioid painkillers in pain management. So much so that the FDA has released guidelines for ...
I feel that, for adding more coatings to test, it becomes a balancing act between finding an ideal antibiotic and the increased time and resources of ...
During my undergraduate studies, the majority of the BME courses within the B.S. program focused on group work and projects instead of the testing and...
I currently work in the Forensic Toxicology department of a diagnostic laboratory, mostly handling GC/MS confirmation of positively screened drug samp...