
Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 10, 2017
Topics: 0 / Replies: 39
RE: Ethical Issues with Clinical Trials

I feel that it is acceptable to take the risk of a clinical trial when the results of the trial are expected to either benefit or not affect those inv...

7 years ago
RE: Placebo-controlled trials: Are they ethical? Are they necessary ?

Placebo-controlled studies are a necessity when it comes to establishing the efficacy of a drug, however, their ethical foundation comes into question...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Having a "clinical background"

I feel that, while not necessary, it is very advantageous to have a clinical background in the role of a CRA and especially in the role of a principal...

7 years ago
RE: Fuzz before launch of product.

While the comparison between Apple and a medical device company is a bit of a stretch, they do use some similar techniques in terms of advertising. My...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: The Fifth "P" of Marketing

Participation is an important aspect of marketing because of how easy it is to block out all the noise. Companies need to make it so that their consum...

7 years ago
RE: Manipulation or no?

I feel that there is a strong negative connotation to the word "manipulation" and that its use in this field is not always appropriate. When the feat...

7 years ago
RE: Types of Corporations

I think this question depends heavily on the business being started. In my case, I have an interest in medicine and would probably open a clinic as an...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Exercise your research skills

Using data published by the Wall Street Journal on Tesla Inc. (TSLA) I have found the following metrics to be very interesting. Earnings per share: -...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Inc. vs. LLC in the US

A company of that size would need to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of both of the choices. An LLC is excellent for smaller operations at it offers ...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: The cost of Quality

Quality control is similar to an insurance policy for a company's product. It is expensive, burdensome and, for younger companies, not obviously neces...

7 years ago
RE: Quality Control and Quality Assurance + Ethics

While I haven't been witness to any exceptional quality practices, I remember reading about how the auto industry handles mechanical defects in some o...

7 years ago
RE: Good Quality Control or Quality Assurance Department

In my opinion, the best quality departments can work with both the company's and the customer's needs and wants in mind. In order to mesh well with th...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: e-cigarettes

Although e-cigarettes are currently regulated by the FDA, they come with hazards that are overlooked because they are viewed as a "healthy" alternativ...

7 years ago
RE: Changes in FDA under Trump's Administration

The net effect of the increased user fees seems to be pointing to increased cost for small to mid-sized businesses in the medical device field and a g...

7 years ago
RE: FDA rules too strict?

I agree with the points you made; the regulations of the FDA do, indeed, protect us and the compromise is worth the lives being saved. However, I fe...

7 years ago
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