One of my friends had taken this course before and suggested it to me because it really helped with her knowledge of FDA regulations and when intervie...
There definitely will always be challenges communicating with international branches of the same company. As was previously stated, time differences, ...
Like many of the previous replies, a lack of communication and time has been one of the most prolific problems in the projects I've worked on. In one ...
I've experienced this during one of my internships. One half of the team was set to work doing programming for some output data from a technology no ...
I was once working on a small-scale project at Monmouth University where the project sponsor was the local fire department and my project managers in ...
One the biggest problems that can arise from an overestimated budget is of course layoffs. Not only will you lose employees who have been contributing...
When I was working with a 3D-printed foot orthosis project one of our side projects was testing out other possible materials to print it with. We had ...
This may be a strange angle to take, but I think those "energy wristbands" that were a mild craze a while ago can be considered a general wellness pro...
For the mobile application, if the only function of the application was to show the heart rate I believe it still would be subject to FDA regulation. ...
I believe having in-person meetings would definitely have made for a more efficient use of time. When you're part of an online class where you may not...
During one of my past internships I was part of a project where we had to program a website to monitor flooding. The verification of that project was ...
For verification, it's important to note that tests aren't the only acceptable verification activities; a company can also utilize inspections and ana...
My follow up question is, do strict policies stunt medical innovation and economic growth? This is a really good follow up question to think about. I ...
I find this point about the Fitbit app very interesting. I myself own a Fitbit and the associated app, and this app allows you to monitor various thin...