Last seen: Dec 11, 2024
It is hard to say if the old way of doing things could be the best as we may never know what could be the best. If something works, and works extremel...
I do not agree that the label should fall onto the store, I would suggest maybe distributing a laminated label for all produce to put up in the store....
I feel as though the FDA is required to be strict in order to keep the public safe. If they loosen restrictions even a little bit, hundreds to thousan...
The animal industry does not have good light in either food or research. I feel as though the food industry has a bit of less negativity because anima...
I am going to focus on, "Animals are sentient creatures with the capacity to feel pain, and the interests of animals must therefore be taken into cons...
I believe that having biodiversity with clinic trials on different species of animals really solidify the research. I had just recently listened to a ...
I am in a similar boat as I had always thought I would want to be a Veterinarian and even did my bachelor's in pre-vet, but I actually enjoyed develop...
This topic brings up an interesting point, especially when students are being worn thin between classes and internships/co-ops. In the end, I believe ...
Great point to bring up! I believe that all students should have some type of experience when graduating, especially to get a head start into a upcomi...