Last seen: Apr 23, 2022
I think that project management works and improves all processes in healthcare and medical research. On a high level project management offers a well ...
In order to set a tone of collaboration as the leader of a project management team or any other team, it starts by example. As project manger you have...
I prefer complex projects. This type of project has many tasks and require a lot of planning. I like the planning phase best and keeping things as sim...
@tiavance23 Project deadlines are important to meet and should have an initial plan on how each deadline will be met. There should be an outline of wo...
@tiavance23 I agree communication is very important when working with difficult people. Trying to find out what the problem is can be a good idea. How...
Is the FDA ethical? The FDA ethics may come into question but I am not sure if it is a question of ethics because ethics can be debatable. The FDA is ...
Traditionally the first thought is to divide the work and then assign to individuals to complete tasks. Recently I have found true team work to be the...
I couldn't agree more. Interpersonal skills are essential to any job or project for that matter. When it comes to completing a job or project deligati...
I have learned from personal experience that working with difficult people says a lot about you based on your reaction to diificult people in a work g...