
Trusted Member
Joined: Jan 19, 2021
Last seen: Nov 21, 2021
Topics: 1 / Replies: 50
RE: Drugs banned in US but not in other countries

In addition to having difference in pharmaceuticals regulations Europe also has different regulations for medical device products. If anything after b...

3 years ago
RE: Animals Used in Animal Testing

This is a very controversial topic, as there are ethics involved. I have participated in the this debate in one of mine engineering ethics classes and...

3 years ago
RE: This vs That

There are several advantages and disadvantages for both academia and industry. At the end of the day I think it boils down to what your passion is, or...

3 years ago
RE: Academia or Industry

During my undergrad I had the opportunity to conduct research under the "academia" and it was very difficult for, so my only motive was to gain experi...

3 years ago
RE: Obstacles while working on a project

Once obstacle that I will always remember because of the lesson I learned from it. While working on a project unexpected delays are part of the packag...

3 years ago
RE: Milestones Missed: Failure or Success?

Missing milestone is and should be considered a failure as you are the one who setup the milestone to achieve completion in a set deadline. If a set m...

3 years ago
RE: Project Life Cycle

Its a very tough question as, the answer is dependent on the type of project. However from an overarching view, all tasks are very important as they a...

3 years ago
RE: Medical Device Certification

Medical device certifications are usually something you get after you figure out that you are going to be working on a certain product. If you get it ...

3 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Biomedical Engineering vs. Bioengineering

This seems like a questions i should have looked into prior to starting my undergrad. 😰 Bioengineering seems like a relative new discipline tha...

3 years ago
RE: Qualities of a Manager

From the very project managers that I have had or worked under the past, the one thing that I did learn about them is they literally know everything m...

4 years ago
RE: Why do people work?

When I first saw the results of the study I was little shocked however after thinking about it, it made sense. Majority of the employees that I have w...

4 years ago
RE: Avoiding Tunnel Vision

From what I seen thus far, having tunnel vision has never resulted in any success especially when it comes to project management perspective. It is im...

4 years ago
RE: Avoiding Tunnel Vision

From what I seen thus far, having tunnel vision has never resulted in any success especially when it comes to project management perspective. It is im...

4 years ago
RE: Skills Learned in this Class

There are several lesson learned in this class, raging from technical skills that can be utilized for proper project management and also the soft skil...

4 years ago
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