
Trusted Member
Joined: Jan 19, 2021
Last seen: Nov 21, 2021
Topics: 1 / Replies: 50
RE: Let's Be Motivated!!!

Prior to understanding the concept of motivation it's important to get a grasp on how important the team members are for the project and what role the...

4 years ago
RE: Changining staff

From my short experience in medical device industry it is very rare for a person to switch positions mid project, especially if they are crucial to th...

4 years ago
RE: project Coast

Several things come to mind that may increase the cost of the project such increase in project scope, or even increase the resources needed can cause ...

4 years ago
RE: Team Development

Execution for the project is usually laid to minute tasks but project manager. If an employee goes on vacation or has a personal leave, in most cases ...

4 years ago
RE: Gantt chart

The idea behind a Gantt chart is to illustrate or paint a wholistic picture of the project schedule. The basic Gantt charts consists tasks to be perfo...

4 years ago
RE: Closing Phase

The final step, the final nail in the coffin closing phase. The most important thing in all experiences including a project is what you learned from i...

4 years ago
RE: Monitoring & Controlling Techniques

As we all know the severity of monitoring and controlling is very high especially in regards too changes and also to reduce the number of setbacks in ...

4 years ago
RE: Monitoring & Controlling Techniques

As we all know the severity of monitoring and controlling is very high especially in regards too changes and also to reduce the number of setbacks in ...

4 years ago
RE: Executing Process

As I have previously stated in another post, that I think all phases have equal importance in their own way. However planning might be more important ...

4 years ago
RE: Unexpected Time Delays - miniSim

The minisim did a great Job trying to provide us with an actual scenario. However to answer the question asked, I do not see any situation in which po...

4 years ago
RE: Overlapping activities

It very rare to find an instance in which when taking a Step back, is actually step forward. Project management is all about practicality so I would h...

4 years ago
RE: Ways to avoid going back to the Planning phase after starting the execution phase.

There are several ways that we can do to avoid going back, quick and easy is one is to just change the overall scope of the project to align it with c...

4 years ago
RE: Most Important Phase

The first answer that comes to my mind is very basic and sadly true, every step of the project is important. But after thinking over it for some time,...

4 years ago
RE: Estimating Project Timeline

Ryan R asked a very nice question, and something that might have crossed our minds during the lecture this week. This is something that I personally h...

4 years ago
RE: PM: Handling Team Issues

I personally do not have any experience as a project manager however, I can share what my project manager did in these situations. Issues such as "...

4 years ago
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