This is a really interesting topic to discuss. I understand your point that missing a milestone in a project means company loses money, bad reputatio...
I agree with all the participants that the project timeline and the scope depend on the type of the project. For example, if it’s the same project th...
One of the crucial projects going on while I was in my co-op was to manufacture the knee implant. The project manager had broken down in several phas...
During my capstone project, we created a Gantt chart using Microsoft Project to guide us and better visualize the timeline of the project. In the Gan...
In my opinion, I believe verification can occur at any phase during a project. It all depends on the kind of project and especially in medical device...
Most of us have experienced a critical path situation during the senior design capstone project. We were designing a product that monitors blood gluc...
I agree with the above posts that budget cut is very common problem that most project managers deal within a company. In the planning stage of the pr...
This is a really interesting topic to discuss as situations like this often happens in the work force. One of the biggest advantage of meeting in per...
I agree with most of the participants that fitbit is a device made for consumer use. It is NOT a device that doctors recommend to monitor his or her ...
I agree with most of the participants in these posts on what should be an ideal project team consists of. If I were to be a project manager, communic...
I agree with Roberts’s opinion that every product has its Life Cycle in which the product undergoes different phase such as Development, Introduction,...
During my experience, I have noticed that most companies have Validation Engineer that performs various tests to validate a machine which is also know...
My experience with design control was with Triangle Manufacturing when I was working as a Quality Engineering co-op. One of my responsibilities was t...
In my opinion, I believe that your senior design product would be considered as a mobile medical app. In the week 1 lecture, we learned that Medical ...
First of all, thank you djr32 for putting up this article. It’s very interesting to do research in developing artificial organs from the lab grown bi...