Last seen: Apr 27, 2020
I do agree that sutures do not seem to have decline in the different phases of the product life cycle but potentially in the future it might. Current...
The hardest part of the project development is initiating an idea because many devices and projects already exist. There are different testing that ea...
While currently working in the industry, I had a chance to be apart of the Design Changes and a little bit of the verification and validation part of ...
I do agree that many of the lower priority projects go on hold or get cancelled because of the lack of resources as well as the lack of interest and b...
With the different regulatory systems including FDA and the Europe’s new system, there can be a globalization of regulatory procedures, but I don’t th...
With the different regulation requirements for medical devices and drugs individually, I do believe that when a combination of the two is at play, tha...
I do believe Project Management has its similarities and differences in different types of industries. It all pertains to the type of project people a...
For a project team, it would be dependent on how many people are needed for the project and what kind of project it is. For a project that requires a ...
Interpersonal Skills are important skills to have when working with coworkers and managers in a industry or academic setting. A Project manager must b...
The difference between or verbal and written agreements is that written agreements definitely easier to find and use as proof if something goes wrong ...
I do believe this is too restricted, but it is also for good reason. Getting gifts worth more, even if it is health based, can seem as a bribe and cou...
I believe this course was beneficial for an overview of the medical device industry as well as academia. I learned a lot about which departments I wou...
I believe you need to have a good balance of someone who is knowledgeable in their role as well as a good relationship with them. Someone who you do n...
I think that the best organizational structure would be a mix between functional organization and matrix. There aren’t silos and information is given ...
I find that at my job, we are a mixture of functional and project-based organization. We have different departments ranging from microbiology, HCM, di...