Last seen: Apr 27, 2020
Even though having a partnership has a lot of risks from a financial point of view, I believe I would still have a partnership in the future. With a p...
Private companies are only owned by a few individuals and cannot be traded publically. They are not required to report to the security exchange commis...
If I were to own a corporation, I would want my corporation to be a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). I can have more than one partner to control t...
Many small companies tend to do all their documentation on paper which means having years and years of information in notebooks and binders which can ...
Everyone complains about Quality being a burden but when people think about it in the long run, it’s very beneficial. It might be a hassle to go throu...
I believe that the company I work for has good relations with the QA/QC department. They are effective in their department and work well with the othe...
I believe that FDA is not slowing down the process of the product with all the rules and regulations that they follow. They have strict guidelines tha...
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Other than India having drugs that allow drugs that are banned in the US, there are other drugs that the US has banned but other countries do not. For...
Many companies follow the steps to make sure that there were precautions taken for a product to be used safely, with many tests done. FDA also would n...
Animals have always been very useful in the name of science. We have developed vaccines, medications, and medical devices to make our way of life as w...
For me personally, I would want to do research that would result in making discoveries to help the current generation rather than the future generatio...
Research is approached in academia and industry through the funding that they are given. The difference is that academia is funded through grants and ...
During my time at Rutgers, I was in a group for my senior design project and we had come up with a rough schedule for when to meet, how to go about th...
I believe that all the steps are necessary for a successful project but the most important phase within a project life cycle is the planning phase. Th...