I also agree the motivation the project manager has, can be effected into the other members. And I think its important for the project manager to know...
There is always a benefit to retaining talent. Experience employees are very important to the furtherance of any company. This is where star player an...
Personally, I feel like if people don’t work just to make a living at a comfortable position then they are seeking some way to leverage their skills a...
I think that there should be a communication plan documentation that is kind of generic like an SOP, however depending on the structure of the company...
I think this is extremely important because the most important element of any project or system, is the human element. By insuring that the more suita...
I also agree that the contract should clearly say all the needs to be said about eh expectation of the interaction between the vendor and your company...
In the control phase any financial values can change based on the project dynamics. Usually the cost can be seen in the phase before the control phase...
There are usually CAPA that are open to address these failures that are managed by the department head and the quality system. If there are failures w...
When keeping up with milestones, one of our greatest tool is communication. We made sure we always gave updates on our every part of the project to th...
The validation check is a design step that insure that the input meets the user intent, if it does not then the design is incomplete or simply somethi...
The work that the team would have to do should be design with contingencies in the event of a member suddenly not being present. Some of the things I ...
I definitely agree that the planning phase would have to be revisited and redone. All the factors that are essential to the packaging line must be eva...
I have experienced this quiet a few times as I work closely with PM’s. So anytime there is a change in a PM, due to any reason either the PM leaving o...
I have worked on a project where we had to design a system where we had to have all our lab equipment backed up to a encrypted server. Some of our cha...
I am part of out weekly design control meeting for our company’s new product, we have a meeting where we discuss how we can improve the batch records ...