For a project we were working on it was a smaller part of a whole, which was analyzing viral clearance for a legacy product process. At first we did t...
I have had several instances where I've had to deal with vendors and our project team has had to work on choosing the appropriate vendor. The initial ...
Similar to Davids's situation I was in the same class and our final project was a novel prosthetic arm. Our proposal was the development of new types ...
An example of a combination product would be Stryker's Vitagel Hemostat The delivery system for this product is a syringe and the primary mode of pro...
An example that I dealt with on a team at work was on a hemostatic agent that we were releasing. The testing that we conducted with the contract lab s...
Although I do not have personal experience with FDA audits. We are always reminded to adhere to the protocols set forth because they are in place as s...
For a animal trial study I worked on we had a cost variance associated with the study, and did end up going over budget as our cost variance was negat...
Logging work is definitely an important aspect of research and development for any company. When I started working for my current company about 2 year...
To extend on tn58's response, a project manager also faces a similar issue with information, not only for budgets but also for product information. It...
The best course of action for all those questions is establishing proper communication with all team members. While acquiring team members it is the p...
This is my first course with Dr. Simon and since I work in industry I had experience in most of the topics that we are learning. The greatest benefit ...
Currently at my company we are working on a project that is international, as we must communicate with Brazil, India, and Austria. The key hurdle with...
Missing a milestone is usually more than a minor hurdle within industry. For a project missing milestones as indicated in your post would waste compan...
During a project that I was working on our team missed a milestone for our execution of animal trials. We had gone through the protocols for conductin...