
Luisa Gutierrez
Trusted Member
Joined: Oct 30, 2016
Topics: 2 / Replies: 49
RE: Comparing Knowledge of FDA, EU, etc before and after this course

For my experience, this is the fourth class I have taken with Dr. Simon and the content itself has been very helpful to relate to the industry. For in...

8 years ago
RE: Maintenance & validation

I agree with the posts above. The investigation is definitely a key parts that should occur first to be able to find the answer. Even though sometimes...

8 years ago
RE: Simulation

It is a good point brought up that the setbacks are definitely crucial to be taken into account during any product planning process. And with my exper...

8 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Differences between ISO and FDA

I agree with the posts above. The ISO standard provides the flexibility needed to accommodate the needs of the companies but still providing the neces...

8 years ago
RE: Process Revalidation

When encountering the movement of equipment in production, I believe that a re-validation is a necessary step. However, as some have mentioned above, ...

8 years ago
RE: Holistic Qualification

Chris, This is a type of qualification that I have not encountered within my daily work but it is interesting to read about it. I found a few details...

8 years ago

This link definitely provides a great representation of the difference between the two. Some key aspects of the DHF that are mentioned are that all th...

8 years ago
RE: SOP: how much detail before too much detail?

I agree with the comments above that an SOP is a step by step process that provides guidance to the person reading the procedures. In addition, the ty...

8 years ago
RE: Quality Management System Documentation Hierarchy

I definitely agree with the QMS system in a small company can start off with various obstacles. But in a sense, it is a necessary rite of passage to g...

8 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: ECO's

As mentioned above and within Dr. Simon’s video, the ECO is required when the design controls are finished and the device needs a change. With this, i...

8 years ago
Replies: 22
Views: 3572
RE: Discussion Topic: Post-market surveillance

I agree with the comments provided so far. The importance of post-market surveillance is to provide the necessary information on the product being use...

8 years ago
RE: Regression Verification and Validation

This is an interesting question. In my opinion, it may depend on the type of changed specifications and how that may affect the device. If it is a cha...

8 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Verification vs. Validation

The verification is when the tests are created for each specification in the DSD to confirm that the design input equals the design output. For instan...

8 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Is the DHF a living document?

I would agree that the DHF is considered a living document due to its importance in holding all the required information during the design controls. H...

8 years ago
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