Eminent Member
Joined: Mar 4, 2021
Last seen: Jun 23, 2021
Last seen: Jun 23, 2021
RE: How To Avoid Repeated Mistakes in A Project Management Team?
After action reports are a good way to asses if the project had any pitfalls or if there are ways to optimize performance in future projects. This all...
4 years ago
RE: General Wellness Product
Given the pandemic I’m going to go with number two in your question and consider a product as simple as a mask infused with menthol. As we approach th...
4 years ago
RE: Emotional Intelligence
While studying behavior, learning, individual reactions and group dynamics, I learned that the four components of emotional intelligence includes perc...
4 years ago
RE: Team member skills
A project is a series of tasks that when completed, creates a new object or capability. Teamwork as the saying goes makes the dream work! As a team me...
4 years ago
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