For that particular company, I would look at an LLC. Mainly due to the liability they have if something goes wrong. I don't believe that they have eno...
I wouldn't turn down a job offer solely based on the type of company it is. Every job has it's own experiences which cannot be taken away in case of t...
As aja38 & vcf3 have stated, a sole proprietorship cannot be passed on. If the father wants to give his business to his heirs then he would have t...
To improve upon document control, you have to evaluate what you are currently doing. Is the reason because you are using paper files? You can switch t...
There isn't much that can be done to overcome the bad relation, in my opinion. You could involve the Quality Department as early as you would like in ...
Quality is a huge part of any successful business operation. From my experience working in a hospital, when there is a meeting and it is time for Qua...
I don't think the FDA is being too strict. With anything that is new, there has to be accountability. The regulations that are put in place, forces co...
In the 1950s there was a pharmaceutical company (Chemie Grunenthal) created sleeping pills from thalidomide. It was advertised as safe for everyone to...
What kind of regulatory pathway would be required for an antibiotic-releasing hip stem? The regulatory pathway that would be required for an antibiot...
What kind of regulatory pathway would be required for an antibiotic-releasing hip stem? The regulatory pathway that would be required for an antibiot...
If I am working with a biomaterial that has never been used before, I shall do every single test that I can think of. Starting with all of the ISO 109...
Animal testing is not ethical ... ever. Following that same thought process, however, neither is digging up the ground to place buildings there instea...