Last seen: Dec 1, 2024
This is probably a big reason why you see tons of articles about the next big treatment for X or Y coming out, and then the treatment/device is never ...
At first glance, biomaterial selection may seem like a simple process, you pick the material that fits your use case perfectly(lasts longer then you n...
This is a great question, and I think it has to do with the timeline of benefits, and how close the general public is to the use of the animal. In the...
I think one of the best ways to stay on budget and on schedule is prudence and constant vigilance. As long as you are regularly meeting with people in...
I don't have industry experience, but I do have 5+ years working in research/academia and have worked under many different project managers of differi...
I think pushing scope can be a great thing, as long as you are not pushing deadlines past any hard points that were set during the Initiation and Plan...
AI is here to stay in this field, and most fields I think, but I don't believe it will be the job destroying juggernaut it is sometimes made out to be...
I can't say with any authority what the most important issue is that needs tackling by Biomedical Engineers, but I do think that rehabilitation is a v...
At 31 years old, with only Academia work experience so far, I still don't think I have the answer to this question. There are a ton of things I love a...