
Trusted Member
Joined: Jan 18, 2018
Topics: 0 / Replies: 78
RE: Placebo-controlled trials: Are they ethical? Are they necessary ?

Placebo controlled trials are ethical if the individual who is not receiving the correct treatment, is not in serious danger regarding their health. T...

6 years ago
RE: Informed consent: What if Henrietta Lacks checked No for research use?

I believe obtaining informed consent in any medical setting or research setting is very important and necessary. Doctors and hospitals are meant to he...

6 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Having a "clinical background"

When it comes to handling clinical research I think it is a necessity to have some sort of clinical background or to have undergone a period of clinic...

6 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: The Fifth "P" of Marketing

Some ways that company's are engaging in Participation is through surveys, questionnaires, and special deals for customers. For instance, after you vi...

6 years ago
RE: Manipulation or no?

I believe that when it comes to marketing, manipulation is the key component to success. Most customers at the time do not know that a product exist, ...

6 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Emotional Intelligence and its affect on sales

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is an individuals ability to interact and understand other individuals mood, behavior, wants and needs. EI will affect sel...

6 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Inc. vs. LLC in the US

As a midsized company with 10 million in revenue I would say that they company become a Inc instead of a LLC. As a company that wants to grow they nee...

6 years ago
RE: Types of Corporations

I believe my answer would change based on the characteristics of the company I am looking to start up, but in general I would be most comfortable star...

6 years ago
RE: Public vs. Private Companies

The difference between private and public companies is that private companies do not trade their shares and stocks to the public, so they can maintain...

6 years ago
RE: Relation of Quality with other department.

A good way to improve relations with the Quality department and other departments such as the R&D department, is to spend more time in the plannin...

6 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: The cost of Quality

I do not think that Quality is a burden and that companies should focus on hiring the right quality personnel so that they do not need an excess of qu...

6 years ago
RE: R&D vs Quality

I believe that both departments are necessary and need each other in order to work. Quality is very important because it helps with FDA regulations an...

6 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: e-cigarettes

Yes, the FDA currently regulates e-cigarettes as well as all tobacco products. May 5, 2016 was when the FDA ruled on electronic cigarettes. https://w...

6 years ago
RE: Precision and Accuracy

In the medical device department I think that accuracy is making sure the device will perform the necessary actions that it is set out to do, and prec...

6 years ago
RE: FDA rules too strict?

From my past experience working at two different medical device companies it always seems that the FDA is extremely tough and is very difficult to wor...

6 years ago
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