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Joined: Jan 22, 2017
Topics: 0 / Replies: 77
RE: Discussion Topic: e-cigarettes

From the articles that I have read, legislation regarding the regulation of electronic cigarettes were passed in 2016. In this FDA ruling, the Center ...

7 years ago
RE: Academia vs. Industry Research

I work in a hospital and I do FEA for them for surgical procedures so I don't know if it counts as industrial research but for us, we aim to publish b...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Beyond experimental design issues

I think that the biggest problem that this type of situation can encounter may include communication. Because of the distance, regular in-house check ...

7 years ago
RE: Research for the Fututre or Now?

Research in any field is important. Research is the advancement of technology and science. In my opinion, research that can be instantaneously effecti...

7 years ago
RE: Obstacles while working on a project

I've had a lot of problems within projects and a lot of them are due to either problems that we failed to foresee or problems that were impossible to ...

7 years ago
RE: Project Management Styles

There are different structural organizations that can be made to a company in order to become a more productive and efficient company. One such struct...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Project Management in a medical device setting

I think that there is minimal differences between a project manager within the biomedical engineering field and say a civil engineering project manage...

7 years ago
RE: Professions in Academia and the Industry

In terms of jobs, when I start working, I want to be in a job that does research and also building and development. I want to be part of a team that d...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Practical vs. Informational courses

I think that there should be a 50-50 ratio with practical learning and academic learning. I believe that there is importance in both because that’s ho...

7 years ago
RE: Advice for Biomedical Engineering Students

I finished my undergraduate degree last semester ad now, I am a continuing student in the Master’s program. I have not had real work experience but I’...

7 years ago
RE: Why do people work?

Personally, I find these results pretty generic. I choose to work to survive. I need money to buy supplies and pay for rent and all the other stuff ne...

8 years ago
RE: Change Requests During Clinical Trials

As previously mentioned, it is more difficult to implement a design change during clinical trials than compared to during the design process. When ent...

8 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Outsource vs. Insource the clinical trial

There are a lot of factors that can influence whether clinical trials should be outsourced or insourced. One could be the size of the company. Say a s...

8 years ago
RE: Bartleby: The Scrivener

Personally, I don’t know the personal reason why Bartleby chose to not do work but as said he exercised passive resistance and declared his individual...

8 years ago
RE: Why do people leave work?

There are a lot of reasons why someone would leave their job. As they have seen before, there is some correlation with the “limited recognition” that ...

8 years ago
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