This course made me think more about how important the interactions between people are to ruining a project. A good PM is important but if you have pe...
The two main motivators for me working at a specific company are competitive pay and challenging work. During my undergrad when I was working to pay b...
What motivates me the most is doing well. Whether that be for a course or for a job it has been ingrained in me to do a good job. The amount I care ab...
WBS is important for identifying tasks and showing how they relate to one another and I believe one of the issues can be not getting enough in-depth o...
E-mails are the most efficient way to communicate with people if the culture of the company makes it so that is the main form of getting into contact ...
Time is an important factor in any project because extending a project not only makes it more expensive but could also lead to a competitor putting ou...
One thing that needs to be considered by the engineer more often then I realized is the cost of the product. You could have an amazing idea for a devi...
For the company that I work for they implement new devices in order to make the work of technicians easier and ensure quality. One such device is one ...
I currently work as a technician at a tissue bank where I process the tissue and prepare it to go out to the doctor. Our organization as a whole is on...
As an undergrad, a group of my classmates and I had to come up a phantom for micro-CT scanning. Our client for the project wanted channels a micron sm...
I would say that Goleman’s perspective is not too far off. Because the type of work required by biomedical engineers is a collaborative effort you nee...