Last seen: Dec 4, 2022
While I understand companies wanting to rush timelines and get their products out to market and - as @mmd55 said above - especially in medical devices...
Personally I don't think reprimanding or punishing the employee is the correct way to go about it, I think there should be a meeting to discuss how to...
I think in terms of "success" we want to consider all projects as successful whether they were seen to full completion or not. Ultimately, a project s...
In terms of getting back on track, I would talk to my team about where our gaps are and why we are falling behind. Most of the time, it is because the...
Hello everyone, My name is Nicholas Quon, I'm currently a Master's non-thesis option in Biomedical Engineering (bachelors in Chemical Engineering) a...
In my opinion, the person who is going to have the most influence on the project timeline is going to be the company director/department director who ...
As someone who just recently transitioned to working from home after working in the manufacturing environment for most of the pandemic, I've learned h...
I currently do not work in the medical device industry but the cosmetics industry, where supply chain management is so crucial to keeping production g...
At work, we use Microsoft Teams to set up meetings, calls, and various group chats. However like everyone else who has commented already I've used Gro...
I will play devil's advocate here and say that it is just as beneficial to start out on management than it is starting out on the technical side. I th...
I believe it's important to set a glidepath for key deliverables to also be completed, which can even be done in the beginning of the project timeline...
I think one of the biggest challenges is when developing a novel device, you have to answer to the FDA and the corresponding regulatory agency for you...
I personally feel that yes while investors are important for funding and direction - managers are responsible for the execution. You will not have a s...
I think working with smaller teams is easier. You're better able to communicate with everyone and ensure everyone is on the same page whereas with lar...